Book Review: Solace of Memory

Posted on  21/12/2020 14:40:39

Solace of Memory: A Last Gift Prequel Novelette by Pescatore, Allegra

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A haunting little Midwinter fantasy tale to remind us about all those who have died and all those who have served on the front of this year's pandemic.

"Please remember me."

In a world ravaged by a deadly fever, some people are fighting to survive while others are fighting to save as many as they can. But medicine is expensive and not everyone can afford it. The nobles are safe, but those who are poor are left at the mercy of a government that lacks the resources to bring the medicine to each and every soul.

And in between we have the medics. Caught on the front lines of the epidemic, they are forced to fight a battle they're bound to loose. Because regardless of how many they saved, the beds always filled up again. And it didn't matter how hard they worked, because there wasn't enough medicine and there weren't enough doctors to make a difference.

Midwinter is a time for Remembrance. When the candles are lit, the dead walk among the living. Devotions are renewed, vigils are held, and forgotten souls find their peace. But for Gabriel, who has never believed in the Gods, there is little peace to be had since the call for volunteer medical students to assist in an outbreak of wasting fever.

Working with the dying in the sweltering heat of southern Miriel was hard, but returning from there proved to be the real challenge in the end. Because Gabe cannot forget.

The despair that had been his constant companion, the death, the pain, 'the helpless horror of realizing that his best would not be enough...' They haunt Gabe, just as the faces of the dead and the cries of the dying.

"What if he could have done more?" is a question that torments the young medic every time he closes his eyes. And for the first time in his life, Gabe needs a little faith. The kind that comes from within, alongside acceptance. The kind that only friends and found family can provide.

Haunting, heartbreaking and beautifully written, this little tale gives you a glimpse into the pasts of three of the characters from Where Shadows Lie - Allegra's debut novel.
It also makes you reflect and remember. In a way that is bound to touch even the hardest hearts.

Happy readying everyone
Stay safe and healthy
and remember.

Check out this book and more of Allegra Pescatore over at: