About The Magic Book Corner
Welcome to The Magic Book Corner!
The MBC for short.
We are a book review blog with an attitude.
The Bookdragon kind.
Not because we're a tad cheeky, which we are, but because we have our very own dragon. Jeff the Bookdragon - the handsome big fellow on our logo, whose tail will be found popping into all the pages of this site. He is the fierce guardian of our Magic Book Corner. Your friendly neighbourhood Bookdragon, quite gentle and charming. Unless you happen to step on his tail that is. Case in which - please be advised: We won't be held accountable for any fried pants.
Apart from book reviews set up in our Book Review Corner, on our site you'll find an Author's Corner with Interviews and Writers' Craft guest posts, as well as a Bookdragon Corner with all sorts of Bookish Master Lists and Random Ramblings. Character Interviews are a little special something you might want to look out for in our Interview Corner. They are all held by our very own Jeff, who has his favourite characters over for a good dragon-sized meal and mug of strong mead, shamelessly cornering them into answering uncomfortable questions about their adventures and authors alike.
Get in touch with The Magic Book Corner
by leaving a message here or dropping a mail at: lauradragonchild@gmail.com
Follow us on Instagram over at: @magicbookcorner and send a DM
Or head over to FB and contact LauraD.Child
The design of The Magic Book Corner is now getting a revamp with the help of Jeff the Bookdragon and a few of his bookish friends - characters from The Light of Darkness Series by Catrin Russell and Her Badass Bikers by Tirza Schaefer.
The team from NinetySix is doing a great job inking it according to their very demanding requirements and specifications. :)
If you'd like to get updates on our progress as well as sneak-a-peaks into the work of Jeff and his friends, from a Bookdragon's perspective, follow us on FB and Instagram.
About Laura
Laura is the creator of The Magic Book Corner. A hopeless romantic and fantasy addict, she started reading since before she could walk and has never stopped since.
Laura loves running barefoot in the grass and loosing herself in the rhythm of Latin beats, possibly just as much as she loves to read. She is a Romanian settled in sunny India with her awesome hubby and two amazing boys.
When she's not uploading stuff over here, you can find her putting up dragon style #makeitoutofbooks pictures and reels over on Instagram and FB, or holding the occasional read-along over on r/fantasy.
And she has her own dragon of course. Jeff is the absolute BEST!
Laura's favourite authors range from Janny Wurts, Anne Bishop, Carol Berg and Jacqueline Carey, to Lois McMaster Bujold, Steven Erikson, N.K. Jemisin, Catrin Russell, Becky James, Rachel Renner and Tad Williams. As far as romance is concerned, she is a big fan of Mariana Zapata, T.J. Klune, Tirza Schaefer, Amy Harmon, Jayne Lockwood, Tillie Cole and Nora Roberts. You can never be too old for YA so... The Twilight Saga and The Hunger Games.... Laura finds them pretty awesome even in her forties! And she'll never hesitate to admit she still falls hard for children's books, because some of those are great for children of all ages!!
THE number 1 book on all of Laura's lists is To Ride Hell's Chasm by Janny Wurts. She loved it so much that she even made a fan art - book trailer as a thank you to Janny for writing it. Because at times a book will touch a reader in just the right way! You can find Laura's trailer here if you'd like to check it out! Janny uploaded it on her sites. :)
Review Policy
ARCs are accepted in the following formats: paperbacks, mobi or epub.
My reviews will be posted here, on my GoodReads account, on Instagram and Facebook, as well as on Amazon.in whenever possible. If your book falls under the fantasy genre and I loved it, the review will also be posted on Reddit Fantasy.
To place a review request
Please drop a mail at lauradragonchild@gmail.com
Follow us on Instagram over at: @magicbookcorner and send a DM Or head over to FB and contact LauraD.Child
Make sure to include a GR link to your book and a short description. And do keep in mind I do not accept PDF files.
I am a retired English professor with a passion for reading and not a professional reviewer. Therefore, my reviews will reflect only my own personal thoughts and impressions about the book.
Know that I set heart and feeling into what I write. If your book sang to me, I'll tell it to the world! I usually try to see the best in everything but I will not rate a book high just because I have been given a free copy. Out of respect for both authors and readers, you'll always get my honest opinion!
My Rating System
5 stars - awesome, fabulous, cool and original. I'll probably reread and definitely recommend! I couldn't set it down and it blew my socks off!
4 stars - it was real good but I probably won't be inclined to reread it. Just a bit short of fabulous and still a thumping good read!
3 stars - enjoyable and good but not great. Easily forgettable!
2 stars - it has a few qualities but lacks the wow-factor. Not quite my cup of tea and I wouldn't recommend it!
1 star - I either couldn't get myself to finish it or didn't like it at all. Had a few major issues with either plot or writing. I recommend you don't read it.
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You will not receive notifications each time something new is posted here for now, since the site is under construction, but that feature will be available soon.
Laura and Jeff would both love to have you around! And who knows, you might just find something here, that calls out to you! :)
Happy reading everyone!
And do watch out for that dragon's tail. No stepping on it if you care for your pants. :D
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