Book Review: A Silent Night: A Christmas story from Penumbra

Posted on  05/01/2021 17:11:06

A Silent Night: A Christmas story from Penumbra by Rooke, Emily

My rating: 5 magic stars

'You've been trapped in a cage for so long you've forgotten you have wings.'

'When I'm with you, it's almost like I remember how it feels to fly.'

Dark, heartbreaking and yet so full of hope, this little novella is both remarkably touching and unforgettable.

Hoping to be able to give his family a happy Christmas for once, Charlie Carroway has returned to the work he thought he had left behind forever. A work he had never wanted to return to. One that makes him feel dirty and ashamed.

'Once he had been used to donning a mask and faking whatever a buyer wanted from him that night,' but that is something Charlie finds increasingly hard to achieve. And yet, do it he will.

'Shame clawed at his insides, a sick feeling burning in his stomach as his thoughts turned to his family. They would never know what he was doing for their sake.'
No matter what it cost him, he would make sure they are looked after.

On a particularly rough night, cold and alone on the streets of Penumbra, a little act of kindness brings Charlie practically to tears and possibly saves his life. Vasco Kovalev, a young soldier from Elysia, finds himself unable to turn his back on Charlie and takes him home to the apartment he shares with Alexandra Ignatieva, the daughter of the mayor of Penumbra. Warm and safe, after a very long time, Charlie tries to not even hope his luck will last. It all seems too good to be true after all. And even though Charlie and Vasco share an immediate connection, they are from different worlds. And nothing could possibly happen between them, right?

For a little short story, this packs quite a punch and it got me invested. I want to know more about the characters as well as how their story will end. Needless to say I am now eagerly waiting for the series.

The title may lead you to think this is a light and fluffy Christmas read but trust me when I say, it isn't. It is a dark, raw and gritty tale that deals with themes like trauma and abuse, as well as their emotional impact. In a very skillful manner!

I found myself having to blink to clear my eyes too, the same way Charlie did at a simple kindness. And couldn't help but feel for him in those moments when he resented himself.

Emily Rooke has a talent to make a simple smile enough to melt a heart and practically let the reader feel the sadness, shame, despair and even hope of her MC.

'If he could lock a secret part of himself away, somewhere deep inside of himself - his mind would do the rest and he could survive it.'

All in all, A Silent Night is a heartbreaking, raw tale that somehow manages to bring hope and light into a bleak world full of darkness. It may not be perfect but it is remarkably touching and downright unforgettable.

Check out this book and more of Emily Rooke over at