Book Review: Ascension

Posted on  21/12/2020 14:36:07

Ascension by Combs, David

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

"Why don't you tell me again what to expect on the other side of this magic doorway, and let's figure out how we are going to go kick Shade's furry butt."

a typical 21st Century High School senior - check
a compassionate and hard working wife and mother from the late 17th century - check
a demonic Shade who threatens to destroy existence itself - check
cool primordial magic - double check
fun banter and great action - check
and characters to root for. - check, check and double check

This book has it all.

This first book in The Witches of Pioneer Vale Series is the story of not one but two women born centuries apart.
Anne-Marie Carmichael the compassionate and hard working wife and mother from the late 17th century, determined to save her family’s struggling farm from financial ruin, enters into a hasty bargain that unwittingly turns her into a soldier in a war that has lasted for millennia. She becomes the first Witch of Pioneer Vale and is entrusted with the task of recruiting the children of her family for generations to come to stand against the demonic Shade, Father of Nightmares.
Recruiting and training and turning them into Guardians just like her. And none of them have ever stood a chance against Shade. Until Angelica Brighton.

A typical 21st Century High School senior, Angelica Brighton is sassy and hot-headed and strong. Stronger than any of the other Guardians before her. And now the Guardians finally have a chance of tipping the scale, and kicking 'Shade's furry butt.' (as Angelica puts it. :D)

Fast-paced and full of little twists you don't see coming, this tale unfolds in a dual timeline revealing the present training of Angelica as well as the past of Anne-Marie. And to be frank, despite the fact that the present is full of action and banter, I loved Anne-Marie's parts the most. Her story, alongside the insights into her life and family made me fall in love with not only the head-strong woman determined to do anything for her husband and children, but also with the steadfast husband she loves. Their life and relationship, their trust and understanding and above all, their unconditional love for each other were the highlights of the book for me. Because they weren't the fairytale like you know you may only get in dreams. They were real and humanly perfect.

"Let's get past Market Day Annie. Then we can get used to the idea of hurling fireballs at me whenever I do something stupid."

I absolutely loved these two!!

Fast paced and very well written, Ascension will give you both edge of the seat scenes as well as fabulous magic. The raw primordial kind, that's also wonderfully explained. Nothing comes easy and nothing is just black or white. And due to the beautifully fleshed out characters, you're bound to be rooting for one of the badass ladies in no time. Perhaps the awesome husband too.

The only complaint I have about it is the steep cliff at the end. I hate cliffhangers as a rule, especially when the story is gripping, like this one here. Luckily however, book 2 has just been published so I was able to get it right away.

If you love magic and witches and entertaining stories, give this one a try.
It will not disappoint you.

Check out this book and more of David Combs here.