Book Review: The Apprentice Storyteller

Posted on  06/04/2021 19:26:54

The Apprentice Storyteller by Astrid V.J.

My rating: 5 magic stars

Do you know those tales of old that are best listened to on a cold winter night around a roaring fire...
Those enchanting tales told by a masterbard who will have you hanging on his every single word...
Lyrical and enthralling not only due to the beauty of the prose, but that of the tale itself...

This here is one of those!

The Alchemist meets fantasy with a splash of space opera. - This is what the blurb tagline advertises and this is exactly what we get.
Viola Alerion, a renowned storyteller in the Haldrian Empire, wants to be left in peace. For years, she’s been hounded by her past, never to find a moment’s rest. Always afraid of being caught and always on the run. And the last thing that she needs is an apprentice. She doesn't take apprentices. She never has and never shall. Because her life is too full of danger to drag someone else into it.
'Don't get involved. Don't get attached.' That is Viola's policy. And it works just fine. Until the night she meets a young boy determined to have her as his Master.

Viola's heart instantly goes out to him. The 'small and frail child that he is.' But she's a wanted woman and her conscience couldn't bear it if she dragged him into her mess.
When the boy refuses to take no for an answer, Viola reluctantly yields, even though she knows taking him with her could endanger his life.
As their journey progresses, Viola is slowly forced to acknowledge she’s not the only teacher in the equation. Her new apprentice has something to teach too, but Viola makes for a reluctant student.

'She feels the cold shell she's spent years honing softening from the inside out, and she feels threatened by the change.'

In a kill-or-be-killed world, where every day is a fight for survival, Viola does what it takes whenever needed. But her new apprentice slowly makes her see it all in a different light. He may at first seem like a hairbrained fanatic sprouting 'ridiculous nonsense about gods and pre-destiny' - all gobbledygook and hogwash Viola doesn't believe in. And yet, as Viola will slowly discover, the boy is so much more. He guards untold secrets and exhibits mysterious powers that defy belief. And Viola will need to find the courage to embrace the new principles he brings forwards to transform her life and open a path to a future in alignment with what she’s always wanted

'The small inflections in her voice weave a tapestry of enchanted places, daring adventure, and characters more real than anyone he knows.'

This is how people see Viola, the empire's greatest known storyteller. And yet, the same stands true for the writer of this book here. Because this is one vivid and beautifully written tale.

The Apprentice Storyteller is by all means not a fast paced read. It's heavily focused on character development, as well as offering a lot of food for thought. And this is why it may not appeal to all readers out there. The wordbuilding is great and the plot is solid but pacing is slower at times, therefore I wouldn't recommend it to readers who want fast-paced action.

If however, you are one of those readers who want great characters that leap from the page, lots of feeling and emotion as well as stuff to think upon, this tale here is a real treat!

"My suffering might be my own but we all suffer in one way or another. It is what I do with what I have that should count, that could make a difference."

This book is a reminder that we are never too old to do the things we are meant to do. It is a nudge to be better, do better and have the courage to grab life by the horns and do what needs to be done. It's fantasy to learn from.

Happy reading everyone
'be the change you want to see.'

Check out this book and more of Astrid V.J. over at