Book Review: Redeeming Grace

Posted on  08/10/2020 14:41:38

Redeeming Grace by Salamon, Gina

My rating: 5 charming stars

'Welcome to St. Thaddaeus

A Town of Redeeming Grace'

If you’re feeling lost, lonely, or simply searching, but for what you aren’t quite sure, you might want to take a trip through the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. There, nestled between peaks and valleys, not hidden, nor easily found, sits the Town of Saint Thaddaeus.
And if you are meant to find it, you will, because the signs will all be there. Especially if you are one lost soul, such as Grace St. John.

Grace has been moving from place to place for a very long time now. Never staying too long anywhere, never making friends and never getting close to anyone. Well, running would be a more appropriate term, since Grace is running from past sins she cannot bear to face.

She has no intention of even spending a night in the little town, let alone linger. But before she even realizes how it all happened, Grace has a job at the town's bookstore, as well as a place to stay.
And every time she even thinks about leaving, something comes up and Grace finds herself inclined to stay.

The town's new apprentice angel, Mary Francis, may happen to have a wingtip dipped into Grace's stay in St. Thaddaeus. Grace may just be this angel's toughest assignment yet, but that doesn't mean Mary Francis is in any way daunted by the challenge. Especially when there are a few other lost souls too, residing within her town, and Grace may be just what one particular resident needs. A certain Colin Haney, who has been feeling a little lost himself lately, and is also in need of some heavenly help.

Although Grace had long ago resigned herself to never finding a place she could truly call home, the little town of St Thaddaeus slowly starts growing on her.

There's no such things as happily-ever-after, or even happy-for-now if you ask Grace, and anyone who thinks otherwise is kidding themselves.
And yet, the little town she can't help but compare to the set of a cheesy Hallmark movie seems to embrace her with welcoming arms.
Her, harboring so much pent up frustration and loneliness in her soul.
And Grace finds herself wishing and even praying for the possibility of a second chance.

The people in St. Thaddaeus have no qualms about getting into her personal business and there is something about the place that appears not quite real. And yet, despite or perhaps because of it, Grace finds the armor she keeps securely in place slowly loosened and pulled from its pins piece by piece.

A certain Colin Haney may be the main reason for it though, since he seems to have taken on a crusade of convincing Grace that St. Thaddaeus is the home she's been looking for.

If Grace will get her chance at redemption, as well as a happy-ever-after, I'll leave that for you to find out. But know that her journey of self acceptance and forgiveness is perhaps even more touching than the end.

What should you expect if you give her tale a try?

Expect your lips to curl up in a smile every so often.
If a little woman defending herself with a 500 page hardcover, blurting out loud: 'crotchety old lecher' when no one else would , won't do the trick, the not so subtle remarks at matchmaking made by parents for their grown up son, are bound to make you chuckle.

Expect heartache and sorrow over past pain and hurt that could drive even the most resilient souls to their knees.

Expect gentleness and kindness and above all, healing and love.

Beautifully written, gripping and endearing, Redeeming Grace is one of those books that you find reluctant to set down. The vivid setting, complete with a perfect mountain town speech manner will practically give you the feeling of being in St. Thaddaeus yourself. Add to it beautifully fleshed out characters that practically leap of the page as well as perfectly real seeming feelings, top it with an intriguing mystery and a good measure of endearing charm and there you go - the perfect recipe for a wholesome and heartwarming feel good read.

Redeeming Grace is an inspiring little tale about faith, forgiveness and redemption. One that will have you ensnared from the very first page and keep you hooked till the end, leaving you with a smile on your lips, warmth in your heart and a general feeling of well-being after you've turned the last page.

It's an endearing tale for the soul.

Happy reading everyone
and always remember
'have a little faith!'

Check out this book and more of Gina Salamon over at: