Heart-to-Heart with Catrin Russell - Author of The Prime Series

Posted on  27/12/2023 09:15:50

Today The Magic Book Corner is proud to present Catrin Russell - the author of the dark and fabulous high fantasy Prime Series with two books published up to date: The Power of Conviction and The Path of Salvation  


Catrin is also an amazing artist and, next to creating her own covers as well as drawing out all the characters from her books, she also designed The Magic Book Corner’s fierce and totally awesome guardian, Jeff the Bookdragon. You will soon be able to see Jeff on all the Magic Book Corner’s pages. 

1. Hi Catrin and welcome to The Magic Book Corner. It’s pretty great to have you here! To begin, could you please tell our readers here a little bit about yourself?

Hi, Laura! And thank you! It is nice to visit The Magic Book Corner. So many books I’d like to add to my TBR-list!! I wish I had more time for reading 😊  

So, who am I? A self-published author from Sweden, but who also works as a registered nurse. I enjoy both of my “jobs”, even though it would obviously be a long-time-dream-come-true if I were ever able to support myself through my writing. 

I live with my husband and two amazing kids, with a third one on the way, and two big, fluffy dogs. We have a busy life, so my writing is often allocated to the hours when the kids are in bed and before my eyes shut on their own 😊  

2. Your Prime Series already has two published books and I know for sure the third volume is already finished and in the editor’s hands. Do you have any publication date in mind?

There is a lot planned for my Prime Series. While editing the third book, my first two will be released on paperback, with The Power of Conviction scheduled for print already now in February. The date will be posted on my social media once decided 😊 The second book, The Path of Salvation, should be in print during spring. The third installment, to be called The Resurgence of Light, I am hoping to release in spring or during the summer, but it remains to be seen, as I am to give birth in late April 😊 And I would hate to make promises I can’t keep! 

3. How many more books should we expect within The Prime Series? 

In the current pipeline, with the ongoing pace of the storyline, I estimate it will end up 5 books in total, but should the story demand it, it will be a maximum of 6.  

4. And, since we are talking about plans? Are you a plotter or a pantser? Do you draw everything out and plan it all from the beginning or wait and see where the story leads you? 

Oww, this is a hard one. I am a bit of both, I would like to say. I’ve got the major plot down already at the start, such as what the “big picture” is and what is going on in the world (say, I war and who wins in the end, etc), but much of the rest, I prefer to write down as it comes to me. However, this also means that not even the primary plot is safe! The Prime Series is one such example, where I originally planned for a much less HEA-inspired ending.  

5. Why religion? Your series deals mainly with it and, by extension, with faith related dilemmas. Why did you choose this particular topic? 

Religion is such a colossal subject globally. Sure, I am not a particularly religious person myself (I would see myself as having hope for more being out there, rather than actively believing it), but it can’t be ignored what major impact religion has on people’s lives. It is all around us, and basically always has been. And what’s more – how faith inadvertently can “force” people to do things they would not normally do, both good and bad. It is a topic that is just as current in the world of today as it was in medieval times. I believe it helps the reader engage with what is going on, even though it is set in an older world. Above that, I just find it highly fascinating. I am a bit of a history nerd, including religion, and I like the mix of a bit of historical accuracy with the fantasy element.  

6. Through both characters and plot, just like another one of my all-time favorite authors, Janny Wurts, you make the reader wonder and reflect upon what is right and what is wrong. You make us wonder where that invisible line is, that once crossed, will turn a human into a monster. Why did you choose to emphasize this particular point? 

Because I believe that no one is a perfect human being. We are all the results of not only our genes but our environment and upbringing. We can all be pushed to that point, of committing a wrong if the reasons behind it are believed to be righteous and justified. But say that the reasons were not what you thought they were? There is that invisible line, but it is a very fine line. This subject in itself is wonderful to explore, and it can be discussed endlessly, for in the end, it is only a matter of perspective. Someone’s monster might be someone else’s salvation.  

7. Racism and women’s rights are also strongly highlighted issues in your books. Why did you choose to present them? 

Racism and women’s rights are also part of those subjects that permeate today’s society. I believe that when put through a different looking glass – such as comparing humans and demons instead of people of different color – it might switch that light on in the readers head which makes them think, and perhaps be able to see the correlation on their own. For why would you judge someone purely due to how they were born? Because they don’t look the same, or because they have different body parts? They are just subjects I feel very strongly for and wanted to highlight through my writing.  

8. I love the plot of your Prime Series but the characters are downright fabulous. To me, they are the best part of your tale. Not that the tale isn’t awesome too, but the characters are all wonderfully build and life-like. Moreover, each and every one of them embodies a specific trait and represents something. Could you tell our readers here a little bit more about them? And do you have a favorite?

Oh, first of all, I have to say that I absolutely LOVE designing characters!! I create quite extensive backstories, with everything from birthday dates and which their dominant hand is (Samael is left-handed btw 😉), to names and ages of parents and siblings, dates of major life events, and a detailed description of their clothing and any weaponry used. I also write down personality, habits/mannerisms, internal and external conflicts, and – of course – DRAW them using Photoshop! This is when the characters really come to life and, to be honest, sometimes change according to what I feel works for the design. I have changed not only clothing but also traits due to how the drawing turned out!

Much like plenty of my readers, I obviously love Samael. He is an interesting character to write due to his emotional… difficulties, and how they affect how he reacts and what he says. It is that significant character development in him that I really think came out good and I am really proud of. And he is some badass book boyfriend material :D 

Another character that I keep close to my heart is Edric. His backstory is such a tragic case of abuse that I can’t help but feel like he is like a lost puppy that you just want to offer a home, with plenty of warmth and love. 

9. With Vixen and Edric you create an especially touching relationship, not only because both of them are broken and trying to heal each other, but particularly because of the way in which they are broken. You don’t hesitate in reversing roles and attributing strengths and weaknesses in unforeseen ways. These two take the reader on an emotional roller-coaster. Could you please tell us a bit more about this couple and how they came to be?

Role-reversals are amongst the more fun things to try out as a writer. Sure, I do use clichés at times, but I see it as a challenge to apply them whenever its made with a twist. Vixen and Edric are one of those. 

When I first added Edric, I felt the story (and the main character Anaya) needed more substance. For a main character to be offered growth, side characters are a great way to achieve this, and also gave me another chance at one of those fun character designs. But for Anaya, I wanted Edric to be a friend, nothing else. I see so many stories where a beautiful friendship is (in a way) “spoiled” by love, so I was cautious not to portray it as anything else than sibling-type-love.

But then again, I couldn’t leave Edric as he was – lonely, depressed, and acting out against anyone who ever came close to his heart… No, he needed someone in his life, for I felt he deserved it. 

So in comes Vixen! Oh, but she comes with baggage, that’s for sure. Coming from a world dominated by men, she has almost forgotten what it is to be a woman, and embrace herself for who she really is. Again, I designed her with the thought of not making her the typical female, since I love mixing it up. However, she is young and you can tell her spirited personality through the story where she has to fight against her own immaturity at times, not in the least in her relationship with Edric. 

 They are just such a great fit, but their shared happiness doesn’t come easily.  

10. Samael is a demon shifter and I absolutely loved his large predatory demeanor, as well as all those little ‘big-cat-like’ gestures that are part of his nature. What’s the secret behind writing a character with a perfectly natural predatory manner? Study or real-life experience?

I love big cats and always have done, ever since a child. However, when choosing his “species”, I didn’t want to go for the most common, such as a lion or a tiger. So getting the choice right was essential, as it adds yet another detail to the story that I will explore in a spinoff series. 

Anyways, since predators have always fascinated me, a lot of his traits I have taken from studying the animal in question (mainly through extensive reading online and documentaries), but also with real-life experiences with modern-day house cats. Many of the features are similar, despite the cat being much smaller in size. 

Just Samael’s standoffish/aloof personality is a big part of it. He is clearly not a “pack animal” :D  

11. And, since we are talking about demons, usually they are portrayed as the bad guys, while in your series, they are merely the outcasts and the underdogs. How is it that you chose this particular approach? 

 Again, I think a large part of it was because of my fascination with how people treat others merely because of differing characteristics. It was a way to really push the issue of judging others for how they were born, not through their actions. I chose to call them demons due to the religious aspect in the book, and that religion often calls anything they deem as evil as part of the devil’s work or demonology. So the term was given to them due to other’s misconception, not through their own choice. They are, after all, technically “just” shapeshifters.

12. You do have quite a few hot smut scenes in your books but, wherever love comes into play, it is all slow burn. A very slow burn at times. Is this what we should expect with all your characters, or will we get to see even some insta love?

Right, this is a subject that I merge in with my love for realism despite it being fantasy and fiction. I am not the greatest believer in “love at first sight”. Lust, sure, but love? No, I believe that is something that comes with time as a couple gets to know each other for real. 

The slow burner will also be, well, more time-consuming, when it is such topics as the impossible/forbidden love presented by the main characters in the Prime Series. It is only logical that this doesn’t come naturally to either of them and they fight against it every step of the way. 

And to be honest, what is more exciting? To watch the couple developing this love for one another, or when they end up in bed? I feel those “butterflies in the stomach” as we go along are just as important, so I do not want to skimp on that :D 

As an answer to your question: Yes. I will likely be doing quite a few slow burners in the future. Not saying it will take hundreds of pages to get anywhere, but there will probably not be many cases of love at first sight 😊  

13. To what readership in particular would you say your Prime Series could appeal to and why?

Anyone who loves fantasy and romance, and who is not put off by a bit of violence, blood and battles. I tend to include quite dark backgrounds, even though I have no plans of explicitly describing much of the abuse that has happened, but it needs to be something one can stomach while reading. 

Also, you should enjoy smut. I do write explicit scenes, which I know some readers want to avoid.  

14. In general, what should a reader expect when picking your books up?

A mix of what I feel is the best of all fantasy genres. I love the medieval era! I use some, but not plenty, of magic and fantastical creatures. I always strive for a world as realistic as possible, despite the fantasy element, as (to me) it makes for a more relatable and interesting world. 

I also do not shy away from a bit of humor and banter in the midst of all the dark and grim, and then of course – LOVE! I cannot write without including at least one love story. It makes me melt in my seat, writing it all down, and I want to share it with the world!!  

15. Do you have any other projects apart from the Prime Series too? Any novellas in the Prime Series world or perhaps a standalone or two?

Apart from the third installment of the Prime Series, I am currently working on what I intend to become two standalones, as well as a book that is part of a spinoff series from the Prime Series. I will be specifically focusing on one of the standalones and my aim is to have it finished during 2020. You can find drawings of the main characters on my social media page. This story will also turn over some typical male and female traits and roles in the story. I believe it will be an entertaining read 😊 

16. How did The Prime Series come to be? And what is the inspiration behind it?

Most of my inspiration came from a couple of anime series I watched at the time (the Dark Fantasy manga Berserk being one of them), as well as a touch of Beauty and the Beast, with a sprinkle of Pride and Prejudice :D So all my favorites!! I originally started the project back in 2017, but only wrote down the main plot and a few key scenes, then shelved it along with most of my projects throughout my life. But then, during the autumn of 2018, I picked it back up and ended up writing over 300 k words in around 4-5 months. You could say that inspiration hit me like a ton of bricks. 

17. You design your own book covers as well as your characters and you do an awesome job at it if I may say so. Are you planning to take on commissions too for other covers or illustrations?

Thank you very much for saying so! I love doing the work myself, even if it takes time away from my writing. But it does sometimes give me a much-needed break away from it, so it all serves a purpose 😊 

I would not mind at all taking commissions, even if it is not something I currently advertise doing. Just like with your Jeff the Bookdragon, I am open for people to ask me if they need help with a design, either book covers or characters.  

18. On a little more personal note, did you face any obstacles in your writing career and if yes, how did you deal with them?

Well, being a working mom of 2 kids, there are obvious challenges with attempting a career as a writer on the side. Most of the issues are just based on the lack of time given for this project and what I have had to do is basically sacrifice other hobbies or general leisure time in order to continue writing. 

19. And lastly, do you have any advice for other aspiring or upcoming writers?

As a bit of continuation of the previous question, I think my best advice is just that: Focus on your writing. Spend time doing it. Don’t procrastinate on social media, and set a goal to follow. It can be big or small, as long as you stick to it. No one becomes a writer from only thinking about it. 

And when doing other things, such as reading, watching a film or being out and about, take the opportunity to fill up your storage of inspiration – watch people, listen to conversations, become inspired!! Then write some more 😊   

To end this little Heart-to-Heart on a fabulous note, The Magic Book Corner presents the characters of the fabulous Prime Series


Our Prime predator and kick-ass demon! He'll have his own kind cowering in fear at a mere glance - and that's just in his human form. When his claws come out... you would'n want to piss him off even by chance! And still, I'd have this bad boy savage monster for a book boyfriend any day!!


A badass warrior priestess whom demons learnt to fear!! Strong and brave Anaya; so lonely and guarded; so steadfast in her path and yet so vulnerable and fragile and kind-hearted! You cannot help but stand in her corner and cheer while she questions, doubts and dares the forbidden!


Tough and sexy commander Vixen, who'll hold her ground with any demon or man alike! She'll throw a solid punch if you piss her off and have you on your back in no time. But you won't find a better match than her, if you want to heal a broken heart.


Tough, lonely, broken Edric! He is one of those unforgettable characters that will stay with you long after the tale is over. His horrid past. as well as his struggle to mend himself, you cannot but admire!


Sweet and gentle Lenda who would rather heal then hurt! Her kindness and inner light you cannot help but notice! She's the little sister each and everyone of us would do anything to protect.


Brave, honorable and charming! He is every lady's dream. And the man any mother would want for her daughter!

About the Author: Catrin Russell

Growing up outside a small town in northern Sweden, Catrin eventually moved to Stockholm, where she studied computer game development and design. Meeting her soon-to-become husband online, she lived outside of London for the best parts of a year, before finally settling down in Piteå, back in Sweden. 

With a background in design and holding a degree as a registered nurse, she writes fantasy novels in medieval settings, with plenty of action and romance.

You can find Catrin Russell here:

Linktr.ee: https://linktr.ee/catrinrussell

Website: www.catrinrussell.com

Facebook: @catrinrussellauthor

Instagram: @catrinrussellauthor

Twitter: RussellCatrin

Follow her on Amazon and get her books here:


