Heart-to-Heart with M.J. Vieira - author of The Veritas Series

Posted on  27/12/2023 09:15:50

Today The Magic Book Corner is proud to present M.J. Vieira. A badass writer and author of two dark fantasy series The Veritas Series and The Manjian Chronicals. If you haven't read her books yet - YOU HAVE GOT TO DO SO! Because they are downright amazing!


1. Hi M.J. and welcome to The Magic Book Corner. It’s pretty awesome to have you here! To begin, could you please tell our readers here a little bit about yourself? 

Thanks for having me!! Pretty excited for this interview. I’m an American paranormal/dark fantasy/horror author who loves music, dragons, and iced coffee. My writing focuses on the human experience while questioning the status quo. I have an amazing 12-year-old son, a supportive husband and two fur babies who make writing difficult at times, but I wouldn’t trade them for the world. 

2. Both of your series already have two books published with more to come. Are you working on any sequel right now? 

I am. My main focus is on Veritas’s final book, Aequitas. The Manjian Chronicles has a third book in the works as well but it’s mainly at the outlining stage. 

3. In Veritas I was impressed with your memorable and unique style in both prose and wordbuilding. The description of your male MC Malum, 'He is beauty and perfection mixed with rage and violence.' would be a perfect fit for both the bad boy on the cover, as well as for the story within. You give the reader both darkness and brilliance, in a tone matching Malum’s voice: 'a combination of an angelic choir and the screams of the damned' . Is this typical to all of your writing or just the Veritas Series? And why choose this particular style? 

I’d say it’s typical of my tone. I tend to use similar structure throughout my writing. Writing it much like speaking: we all have our own voice and tone. In some projects, I tend to limit the contradictory analogies but when I want to pack a punch? Yes, I stick to things like these examples. I’m very interested in the duality of my characters and that is what I try to show. 

4. To what readership in particular would your Veritas series appeal to? 

Anyone who enjoys fast paced paranormal thrillers. However, this is an adult series. So those who don’t like sex scenes should probably skip it. 

5. Would the same readership be attracted to your Manjian Chronicals too? 

I think yes, they would. However, Manjian Chronicles are a fantasy-based series. I was channelling my love for Tolkien when I built their world.  

6. Your Manjian Chronicals seem to be focused on myth and legend. Can you tell us a bit more about it? Where did the idea for Fireweed and Firebird come from? 

This series takes place in a different world than ours. As I said before, I was greatly influenced by Tolkien when I began world building. However, the characters Arashi and Sita, whom you meet in Firebird, are characters I’ve written for a very long time. The original idea for Fireweed started with the prologue. Here I set the scene with a fiery destruction that again, was inspired by The Hobbit Movie’s song “I See Fire”, sung by Ed Sheeran. From there, it just flowed. 

7. In general, what should a reader expect when picking up one of your books? 

I spend a lot of time on building my worlds and characters. I research extensively as well. When a reader picks up one of my books, they can expect a deep story line with plot twists and characters with depth. Oh, and steamy scenes that leave you wanting more.

8. Your Veritas Series centers on religion, and presents an ingenious mix of legendary creatures, gods and angels and... something in between. I don't think I've ever read anything as original as this. Downright brilliant if you ask me. How did the idea take root and what is the inspiration behind it? 

Well, thank you. That’s high praise and you have no idea how much it means to me. I love all things myth, theology and religion. I’m constantly striving to learn more about the human cultures past, present and future and while some may argue with me, that includes creation and death mythos. I have my own theology I follow and while I’m now confident in what I believe, when I started Lux, I wasn’t. I was angry and felt lost. Lux was a way for me to express this and work through my own turmoil. As I got further into the project, I realized I had a unique story going, so I kept at it. As with all my projects, music played a key role as well. The opening scene to Lux is written to Skillet’s song, Monster. The music video for this song inspired Jade’s beginning. Many of the other characters stem from people I know.

9. How many books will there be in the series and when do you have any publication dates in mind for the sequels? 

The Veritas series currently is slated to have three books for the main arc. Aequitas is scheduled to be out this summer, 2020. I do have a couple of other smaller projects/spin offs in the works as well as a collaboration with another author. That series will take place after Aequitas

10. Are there any future books for the Manjian Chronicals in sight too? If yes, how many? And do you have any publication date in mind for them too? 

Yes. I am currently working on a full length novel. It’s working title is Pyre, but that is subject to change. As to how many will be in the series: I don’t know. I’m playing it by ear so to speak. 

11. Which bring me to my next question. Are you a plotter or a pantser? 

Both, haha! I tend to outline but as anyone who writes knows, characters tend to not follow the script. Sometimes I get into a scene and realize the outline I’d made won’t work. Then I just kind of go with the flow.  

12. All your main characters are unbelievably well built and complex but Jade stands out through her struggles to hold onto her soul and discover her past. How did you come to create Jade? 

It took me a long time to admit this, but Jade is an outward extension of myself. No, not the bombshell, bad ass part. The lost soul fighting to keep her sanity and divinity in turbulent world. Also, I watch a lot of action movies :D 

13. And how about Malum? 'The man of every woman's dreams' and at the same time, 'one scary motherfucker' . What prompted you to write him? 

Well, every story needs a bad guy. And, as I stated earlier, I draw from the people around me. I won’t say who I based him off of.  

14.  In Veritas, there is a lot of emphasis on Jade’s inner struggle to accept herself. Masterfully described. With it, you touch upon that darkness each and every one of us carries deep inside at one time or another. The hell of that doesn’t represent pitchforks and dancing demons. But that of being truly utterly alone. Why? 

The one thing we all crave is acceptance. People deny it, but it’s true. We may not want the masses to show their support, but we do need at least one person on this Earth to say, “hey, I see you. Not the mask you wear but the real you, and I love and accept that person.” To feel alone, truly alone, is torture. It drives people to do things they normally wouldn’t do. I’ve felt that. But I’ve also felt how good it feels to have that support. I think it’s an important human experience to share. 

15. I was truly impressed with the way you portrayed Jade and Onyx in Book 2 - two dangerous predators in human form. From the usual day-to-day interactions to burning desire and hot sex. Everything practically sings the nature of your two leads. How did you get that perfect predatory manner that feels... just right? What’s the secret? 

Research, movies, real-life experience? Honestly? A combination of all the above and A LOT of vampire books/movies as a kid. I also love to read authors like Laurel K Hamilton and Karen Marie Moning. I really enjoyed having the boot get tossed over the cliff; that was funny to write. But, it also was a good example of their relationship. He frustrates the hell out of her, but she can’t imagine her life without him in the end. You’ll see more of that in Aequitas. 

16. Among all your characters, despite my love for Jade, Onyx is my favorite. Because of the little glimpses you give the reader inside his tortured soul. How did Onyx come to be? 

He’s kind of hard not to love despite his hostility, ha-ha. Onyx is loosely based from my husband, Alan. Who, much like Onyx does to Jade, drives me absolutely batty the majority of the time. They both share mannerisms, strife in their early lives, and while not always forthcoming, are loyal to a fault.

17. Step out of the light and into the truth. That is the moto of your series. Could you please elaborate a little and tell our readers here why? 

In my experience the truth is never found in the light, but in the dark. We find our deepest truths in our darkest times; so too does Jade. 

18. You series deftly combines the best in character build-up, plot and narration and you also manage to pepper it with little sayings that make a reader stop and reflect, like this: Those we love the most always deal the deadliest weapons. The ones that cut right down to the soul. Is there any reason in particular for which you included these? 

I write much the same way I think. So, believe it or not, a lot of those little quips are observations I’ve made in life. If I think of something good, I write it down in my notebook and use it later. 

19. On a little more personal note, did you face any obstacles in your writing career and if yes, how did you deal with them? 

Yes; I’ve faced many. First being the doubters. I had a lot of people who thought this was just a hobby or a passing phase. Second, myself. It’s hard not to doubt yourself when you have so few encouraging you. Fear can be a crippling thing. Also, I battle depression, fibromyalgia, and lyme disease which make having any kind of motivation difficult at times. Combine that with being a working mother and I have to really kick myself in the butt to get my writing done.   

20. And lastly, do you have any advice for other aspiring or upcoming writers? 

Don’t give up but also don’t be arrogant. You’ll get bad reviews, you’ll have people be nasty, you’ll doubt yourself. It’s all part of it. But you also need to be able to take criticism and learn from it. Sometimes the bad reviews have kernels of truth, as much as it hurts and if you can take that and learn from it, you’ll be ahead of the game. 

Thank you so much for being here M.J. It was truly an honor! 

About the author: M.J. Vieira

MJ Vieira is originally from Southern Maine. She recently moved to Southwestern Missouri with her husband, Alan, son, AJ, and their St. Bernard, Roxy. 

As a child, she traveled around the state with her parents, seeing the vast history the New England state had to offer as well as touring the nation while showing her American Quarter Horse. While traveling, she read many of the great authors of the time including JRR Tolkien, Stephen King, CS Lewis and Ann Rice. It is these writers combined with power of music, mainly hard rock and folk, MJ draws her inspiration. 

In between writing, MJ enjoys reading, collecting music and attending concerts. Lux is the first installment in the Veritas series which is MJ’s first published work.

You can find M.J. Vieira here:

Instagram: @devilspaintbrush 


and Facebook: MJ Vieira Author 


Or join her kickass Facebook Group: Dragon Sightings by MJ Vieira https://www.facebook.com/groups/2071842856419560/

Follow her on Amazon and be up to date with new releases here:
