Setting up the Steamy Romance Corner of our den

Posted on  12/01/2024 10:05:18

As the Magic Book Corner started to get its long-due revamp, my Jeff and I realised there's no way we can ever build up the new den by ourselves. If we wanted it to be worthy of the best Bookdragons out there, we had to reach out for help. And this is exactly what Jeff did.

For those of you wondering who Jeff is.... he's the big handsome fellow in the picture. No! Not the sexy guy! The big dragon! And don't you dare tell me he's not handsome! 

The sexy guy is Snubbs from Her Badass Bikers by Tirza Schaefer and he's the one Jeff called to help setting up this Corner of our den.

The Steamy Romance Corner.

We're getting our finalised Best of Steamy Romance List polished for all of you to see tomorrow. But until then, we'll let you have a glimpse behind the scenes, at the perks of working with a Bookdragon, stepped on tails and fried butts included, courtesy of Snubbs and Jeff.

All in the POV of Snubbs and penned by the lovely Tirza Schaefer.

Here is how it all went down:


I pass Ava who is carrying a tray of her famous ETM sandwiches she prepared for us. We all love them. She shrieks and drops the tray but I can’t stop. Someone is yelling. I think it’s Laura. But I can’t stop to help pick up the mess or listen to what Laura has to say. 

I’m running. I’m a fast runner and I’m fit but I’ve never been this fast before in my life. My butt is on fire! And not the kinky kind. Brady had nothing to do with it. Or Mace. No! It was Jeff! 

I’m crossing the yard and the lawn and leap into the lake. The fire is out and I stay there to cool my ass down. Literally. Now that I’m unlit again, I have time to catch my breath and then shout a string of curses into the direction of the den where Jeff stands looking half sorry and contrite, half defensive. I hate that dragon with a vengeance! 

Laura and Ava come running after me. Ava actually gets into the water, even though it’s too cold for her. She said so when I asked her to go for a swim with me last night. I thought we could make out in the water but no, in true girlie fashion, she declined. She did warm me up later, though. Hehe. 

She reaches me and takes my face into her hands. My head is the only thing still above water. Or again. When I jumped in. I dived in head first. 

“Are you alright? What happened? Shall I call an ambulance?” 

Tears are welling up in her eyes. She feels my pain acutely. Or what she imagines must be horrific pain. Luckily, the fire didn’t eat through my pants completely yet. 

“Yeah, I’m good. Don’t worry, baby. That damn dragon set me on fire! He needs a fucking muzzle!” 

“But why would he hurt you?” 

“He stepped on my tail! Laura told everyone not to do that,” Jeff shouts indignantly in his booming dragon voice. 

Laura’s shoulders sag as she looks from me to Jeff. 

“I didn’t do it on purpose!” I yell back. “I told you not to sneak up on me from behind while I’m working!” 

I have a strong voice. But I can’t match a dragon. 

“You should have sensed my presence! I just wanted to help!” Jeff booms back. 

Laura presses her hands over her ears and Ava shrinks a little in the water. She is already shaking from the cold. I have to get her out of here but I want to stay in a bit longer and I know she won’t leave my side. 

“No dragon voice! How often have I told you, it hurts human ears,” Laura scolds. “And that humans can’t sense the way dragons can!” 

She is marching up to Jeff now. He lowers his head and mumbles a “Sorry.” 

That little woman has her dragon under control. Only thing is, Jeff has some automatic reactions. Spewing fire when someone steps on his tail is one of them. Apparently, he’s burnt a lot of butts in his life that way. 

“He didn’t do it on purpose,” Ava tries to calm me while Laura talks to Jeff. 

When we both calm down, Ava’s lips are blue and her teeth are chattering. She really is very sensitive to the cold. 

“Come on, let’s get out of here. I need to look at your butt. Make sure there’s no permanent damage done to that sexy ass I love so much,” she coaxes. 

But all my brain thinks is, if it’s marred in any way, she may not love me anymore. 

“Snubbs, I love more than your butt. And I will love it even with burn marks. I just don’t want you to be hurt or get an infection or something.” 

I swear my woman can read my mind. It’s spooky sometimes. 

She leads me inside and we both strip down and have a shower together. The way she touches me is soothing my soul. But sex is the furthest from her mind right now. Damn. I love that she cares so much about me and the others but sometimes, it’s a cockblock. 

So I dry myself and lie face-down on the bed as instructed. Ava picks up her phone. 

“What are you doing?” I ask. 

“I’m calling Catrin on cam to ask Anaya to tell me how to heal you best. Maybe she can do some distance healing as well.” 

“You want to show her my naked ass?” I huff. 

Anaya is a friend, a priestess who wields some powerful magic and the female main character in Catrin Russell’s fantasy series “The Light of Darkness.” Cool stuff. Ava has read it to me when I couldn’t sleep. But right now, I’m not sure how I feel about my woman sharing my butt with other women so happily. 

“Catrin is a qualified nurse as well as an author. Amongst other things. If we took you to hospital, you might get female doctors and nurses to treat you as well,” Ava sighs, rolling her eyes. 

“But they’re not your friends,” I gruff. 

There is a knock on the door. 

“It’s me, Laura,” Laura calls through the closed door. “I’ve got Catrin on the phone. She is talking to Anaya now. Can we come in?” 

“No!” I yell. 

“Yes!” Ava calls. But she throws a towel over my ass. Thank fuck! I don’t need Laura to see that. She is a book blogger and might just mention this in one of her blogs or social media posts. I don’t need the whole world to know her damn dragon set my ass on fire! 

Laura comes in and Jeff sticks his head through the door. 

“Get that monster out of here!” I yell. 

Jeff pulls his head back and Laura darts after him. 

“Jeff, come back here!” 

“He called me a monster!” Jeff complains. 

At least, he’s not using his dragon voice again. 

“He didn’t mean it like that. He’s just scared of you setting him on fire again.” 

“Then he can just stop stepping on my tail! My tail is sensitive! He was warned and did it anyway!” 

“I’m not scared of anything or anyone!” I yell. “And I only stepped on it because I didn’t know you were so close behind me!” 

“I just wanted to help you!” 

“By setting me alight?!” 

“Can you both stop yelling this instance!” Ava and Laura yell in unison. 

That shuts Jeff and me up instantly. We don’t want to upset the most important women in our lives. You seriously don’t want to mess with them. They’re both badass. 

“Jeff, come in, please. We’ll be careful with your tail. Snubbs is lying down and can’t move now, anyway,” Ava says. 

When Jeff shuffles into the room, Laura gives him a hard stare. 

“Apologise to Snubbs. We know you didn’t do it on purpose but you still hurt him. An apology is necessary.” 

“I’m sorry I hurt you,” Jeff grumbles obediently. 

“Snubbs, apologise for stepping on his tail by accident and hurting him.” 

“I’m sorry,” I grumble. 

“And that you called him a monster,” Ava insists. 

“I’m sorry for hurting you and calling you a monster,” I say. 

“Now shake hand and claw and then we’re all friends again,” Laura orders. 

So we do. As I said, don’t mess with the women. 

“I thought you liked heat?” Jeff asks. “For your mating ritual.” 

Laura sighs. 

“That’s a different kind of heat.” 

“But I heard Ava say Snubbs’ ass was smoking hot,” Jeff insists. “And today it was. But no one was happy about it.” 

The women, including Catrin on the other end of the phone, all burst into laughter. I can’t help but smirk smugly. My woman thinks my ass is smoking hot and she even tells her friends. My bruised ego is feeling a lot better. 

“It’s a hot emotion you feel inside your body and heart and mind that we humans mean when we say that,” Ava explains to Jeff kindly. 

“I do not understand,” Jeff mumbles. 

“Let me get my butt sorted, then I’ll explain it to you,” I say, no longer angry with him. 

I feel kind of sorry for the guy. He’s a dragon, after all, and not familiar with human mating rituals as he calls it. 

I can see Laura and Ava exhaling visibly and relaxing with a smile. My butt has already stopped hurting as well. And it tingles. 

“My ass tingles,” I say. 

“Oh, that’s Anaya healing it,” Catrin says over the phone. 

“Thank you. Tell her, I appreciate it,” I say. 

“I will,” Catrin promises and Ava bends down to kiss me with so much passion, I forget everything around me and hardly register the click of the door closing softly as Jeff, Laura and Catrin on her phone leave the room. 


With no lasting consequences for either butt or tail.

Tirza Schaefer

is a fabulous author of steamy hot romance with love and passion.

You can find out more about her over here:



Books2Read Author Page: 


Her Badass Bikers

is a sinfully sexy and wickedly funny tale RH full of heart that I absolutely adored.

A contemporary reverse harem that swept me off my feet. With bikers as badass as it gets, a lovely, smart and no-shit taking woman and an absolutely adorable 12 year old whom you can't help but love. Among others, that is. But I won't spoil and tell you more. For now.