Best of Dragons

Posted on  12/01/2024 10:05:26

Welcome to my den. 

I'm very pleased to make your acquaintance. My name is Jeff. Jeff the Bookdragon. And I am the Guardian of this Magic Book Corner.

To put it in plain dragon, this here is my den. And I'm glad to have you visit.

Please excuse the mess and lack of bookish hoard. A mishap that involved a sneeze and the library floor caving in had us moving dens and building a new one. Fireproof and sneeze-proof of course.

My friends and I have sunk our fangs and claws deep into a new mountain of course and the new den will be ready in a jiffy. With no lasting damage after flamed rumps. 

It will be a den worthy of the Best Bookdragon Ever. That's me of course. And it will give me great pleasure to see you here again after we're all set.

Until then, I'll thank you for the visit, take my leave and rush back to see what those workers are doing. They'd better not damage any of my books!


Who doesn't love dragons?! These majestic creatures have enchanted readers since the very dawn of storytelling! Among all the fantastical creatures we encounter within the pages of a book, dragons are by far my favorites! 

Temeraire, Saphira, Ruth, Ash, and yes, even Iskierka and Toothless, they are all famous and well known and I won't deny my secret dream of at least riding one of them! Because they are fabulous!!

The Magic Book Corner will tell you here about these dragons we all know about but also try and bring to your attention those dragons you may not have heard of! The wonderful ones who are part of stories that aren't that widespread! The majestic ones who are also worthy of your affection, if only you would take a chance and get to know them!

And our Jeff will also let you know of course, who are his own Best of the Best. :D