Book Review: Fugitive Prince

Posted on  08/05/2020 14:43:48

Fugitive Prince by Wurts, Janny

My rating: 5 brilliant stars 

Me (*hugging the book real tight*) – I’m really very sorry book for wanting to hurl you across the room.

Book (*on an indignant note*) – Am I that horrible? I know I’m not for everyone ‘cause I won’t allow you to skip or read fast, and you have to pay attention and read between the lines on my pages. Is that the reason for your temper tantrum?

Me (*remorseful and trying to appease*) – Oh no, Book! That’s not it at all! Within your pages, I just read the most wonderful story!

But you did put me through a lot!
You see, from Chapter 1, you started with such an ominous warning! So cruel and unfair! And it went on in Chapter 2. When the unfairness of it all made me so very angry! And I wanted to give my hero a very big bear hug right then and hold on real tight!!!! Because … Damn! That was so much to bear for a single person! 

In your Chapter 3, those witches really gave me the creeps!!! And in Chapter 4 – I got really pissed. The gall on that man!!! Who the heck does he think he is!!!
Chapter 5 did it! It made it all official! I absolutely hate him now!!! You sure have a bat-shit crazy villain!

Your Chapters 6 and 7 could make the angels weep.

And by Chapter 8 I wasn’t able to put you down anymore!

In the beginning of Chapter 9 I was probably looking like Toothless with his lopsided grin!

And then all of a sudden BOOM! You take all hope away! And it all ends up looking so damn bleak! 

Your Chapter 10 – now that was awesome!

And then in Chapter 11 - I just have to ask you: What is wrong with those people?! And where is the justice in that?!

In Chapter 12 you took me on a visit to hell, but I have to admit I enjoyed it. And then in Chapter 13 – Hell’s Fire Book!!!! That villain of yours!

He, he, he… The monster! The butcher! The pigheaded hypocrite! He just… He can’t…can he?!
Good God! Don’t tell me he just did?!

See now! You've made me cry again.

And finally, there in the end, with that Chapter 14 – you have got to be kidding me! And I need to ask you: Are you for frigging real!

I’m horrified and shocked and spitting angry! And Book, How can you blame me for wanting to hurl you across the room several times over?! I wouldn’t have felt the need to do that if you hadn’t been so awesome!!!! Can’t you see! You make me feel! You make me cry and laugh and curse and even do a happy dance at times. You are amazing!

Book (*proudly preening her pages*) – Well yes, that does make perfect sense. And in that case I do forgive you. I am pretty amazing if I may say so myself.

Me (*hugging book real tight*) - Yes you are, Book! Yes you are!

Note: there is no way to express how much I love this series as I'm by far not as good with words as so many of my other friends. So I'm letting the little dialogue and Gifs above do that for me. :)
The prose is so beautiful! The characters are amazing. The plot is so complex and astounding!
Wars of Light and Shadow is a series like no other. One that will make the reader put some effort into reading it as it doesn't allow you to skip or fast forward. It makes you read between the lines and makes you think about what is right and wrong, about what is ethic and not, about how far you would go to reach a goal and where you would draw that invisible line that, when crossed, turns a human being into a monster.
But if you decide to put in that effort, if you decide to give it a chance, you will not get to regret it. Cause this is one hell of a ride!!

Ceck out this book and more of Janny Wurts over at