Book Review: Omega Rising

Posted on  12/05/2020 15:04:40

Omega Rising: Origins of Agent Rusty Bones Book One by Pierce, Douglas

My rating: 5 magick stars

for an outstandingly original and absolutely badass Urban Fantasy.

ARC provided by the author in exchange for an honest review. Thank you Douglas Pierce! This was one hell of a ride and I absolutely LOVED it!!

'You know, this stuff just keeps getting weirder and weirder.'
'Oh, yeah? Like being an undead FBI agent is just your run of the mill, every day sort of thing, huh?'

Meet Agent Rusty Bones of the FBI.

Some call him 'one ugly-assed robot', while others refer to him as a 'pet zombie.'
Well, to be fair, Rusty himself admits he 'looked like death warmed over', so we can't really blame anyone from cringing or trying to hide their disgust whenever they see him.

In a nutshell, so I don't beat around the bush, Rusty Bones is a zombie robot. A sort of undead RoboCop.

And now your're probably reacting the same way our MC did while hearing about what was in store for him and are itching to tell me:
'I think you've been watching too many movies. Robocop was science fiction! How are you going to pull this crazy shit off?'

As it turns out, Douglas Pierce pulls it like a charm. With a remarkable and unprecedented 'fusion of magyck and technology'. A particular kind of dark magick to be exact, that incidentally involves the human spirit. I will not say more, because I don't want to spoil.
Suffice it to say that you won't see THAT coming!

Omega Rising is the account of the rather dubious life-choices that landed Agent Bones in the clutches of an ultra-secretive Omega Project. Up to the night he died in the line of duty, he didn't believe in magick, monsters, religion, or souls. But then that was the night he story just began.

And Agent Rusty Bones suddenly finds himself with a lot to reconsider. Because waking up dead with the consciousness trapped in an amulet is bound to do that to anyone. Especially when he is told he'll be turned into an unstoppable brute. And every single look in the mirror only serves as a reminder that he is not quite human anymore.

Rusty Bones - image by Rebecca Poole of

Rusty is supposed to be a 'best behaved little zombie' but the requirements set by his owners aren't quite ok with him. The only choice is escape. But those holding his very essence in an iron-clad grip will try their damnedest to prevent that from happening.
And the clock is ticking for the undead detective who never even believed he had a spirit before reality punched him in the face.

Rusty will need to learn to not only accept his new existence but also escape his captor's clutches and prevent others from suffering the same gruesome fate.
What follows is an unbelievably imaginative tale jam-packed with action and full of dark humor. Written the first person POV of Rusty, this fast paced narrative is sprinkled with blog entries and memory snippets that nicely allow the reader to form a full picture of both Rusty's past as well as his predicament.

The story-line is downright amazing because of it's uniqueness. Bloody brilliant if you ask me. And Rusty as a character is fabulous. The perfect combination in between a badass and a softie! :D

All in all, Omega Rising is one hell of a wild ride. An edge of the seat remarkable read that will keep you guessing till the very end.
And despite the fact that it isn't quite perfect, I will remember it for a very long time as one of the most outstanding and absolutely badass Urban Fantasies I've ever read. Because I haven't come across anything like this until now. And I absolutely LOVED it!

I highly recommend it to all those in search of a kick-ass Urban Fantasy that's not your typical run of the mill.

Check out this book and more of Douglas Pierce here