Book Review: Ten Tales of a Dark Tomorrow

Posted on  21/11/2020 14:29:09

Ten Tales of a Dark Tomorrow by Kuhn, Kevin A.

My rating: 4 chilling stars

'Join me on a journey to a new dimension. A place that lies between my imagination and fears. A destination that is as vast as the universe and as old as time. A place you only find between light and darkness. Welcome to: Ten Tales of a Dark Tomorrow.'

- Kevin A. Kuhn

I picked this anthology up because I am a huge fan of the Twilight Zone. And these stories here are intended to follow the spirit of the original Twilight Zone episodes.
Science fiction, speculative fiction and even magical realism, these tales are a combination between every day events, thoughts, memories and dreams and are all opened with a little introduction, revealing the core of the story with a little personal note.

These tales explore space and time and confront some of humanity’s deepest fears. They are not very dark but most of them have an unexpected and downright chilling twist. The themes are not new as fantasy and sci-fi goes and yet, despite it all, the stories themselves manage to engage.
Very well written and entertaining, these little tales will absolutely appeal to each and every Twilight Zone fan out there. I for one enjoyed them all, but my favorites were these:

My Little Girl which has one damn fine way of showing the strength of a mother's love. It is flawlessly written and beautifully flowing, intense and with a nice little twist.

'There is little in this world as powerful as the love of her mother for her daughter.'
But what does a mother do when her child suddenly seems to be.... different?!
Little 3 year old Candy is different. Words like gifted, genius, prodigy have been used to describe her. And she is all that, but more! And that something more is enough to make her own mother fear her.

'I love her but I don't. She's my daughter, but she isn't. She's little and fragile, and she needs me, but she frightens me.'

The why and the how I'll leave for you to find out. It is a short story after all and revealing more will spoil. But know that, as a mother myself, I did get quite a few goosebumps while reading.

For the Hive, which I found absolutely chilling given the present state of our world.

This tale here talks about a possible not so distant future. A future in which humanity has overcome a deadly virus at a very high cost. A future safeguarded by a human-made AI.
It is her sole purpose to preserve and protect the human race. At least that's the purpose for which she had been built.

I'm not going to say more about the why and how because any extra detail will spoil. But if you decide to read it, know you'll be taken on one hell of a ride.
Now don't go and think that the chilling stars are reserved for the plot. That one is dark enough, but not the winner here. The hair rising chill is due to the 'what if'. Because both the idea and circumstances the author describes can be a distinct possibility.

And it's the simple realistic way in which the tale is told that sets the cherry on the top of the goosebumps cake.
Worthy of the best Twilight Zone episodes.

And lastly, the absolute favorite Teach a Man to Fish This one was simply... WOW!

Astute and uncanny, mysterious and spine-chilling, these are but a few characteristics of this anthology here. And I highly recommend them to any Twilight Zone Series fan out there.

Check out this book and more of Kevin A. Kuhn over at: