Book Review: Flower In Flames

Posted on  11/04/2021 10:59:30

Flower In Flames by Swit La Pound

My rating: 5 heartfelt stars

'Always remember, broken people can love again. Embrace the pain, but give yourself a chance to heal and try again. Sooner or later, even in the most hopeless of places, the sun will rise.'

And this is what this book is all about! Broken people and their pain, as well as their courage to dust themselves off and try again. Broken women and children who find it in themselves to overcome abuse, trauma and scorn and 'soldier on, in hope despite despair.' Outcasts, broken and shattered, who despite everything, still find the strength to tell their stories to others in the hope of saving even a single life out there.

This book broke my heart. It made me cry and made me spitting mad. Not only because of what it described, but also because I could practically see it as an actual reality in some places in our world.
Flower In Flames is the story of several women connected through familial ties. Their tales interweave in a seemingly unconventional manner and tie together beautifully in the end. A daughter, a mother and a grandmother - three stories told in bits and parts alongside those of others. Each and every one of them more impactful than the other.

It is difficult to tell you about them without spoiling and it's best you go into the story blind. That way you'll get to experience it to the full. But know that it's a tale that is bound to affect you.

Flower In Flames is a cry for justice against abuse. It is an account of suffering and pain told in a manner that is bound to reach the deepest recesses of your soul. It is a testimony of courage and a call for action. A call to all the women out there to stand united against abuse.

Written in memory of all those women of power who lost their lives and freedom at the hands of abuse without justification, this book brings to our attention societal and cultural restrictions with a particular focus on the ripple effects that incidents of abuse reap.
It will show you close up gruesome deaths, rape and long-lasting abuse and walk you through the victims' feelings before, during and after.
It will show you the pain of a mother mourning the death of her only child, the slow but definite undermining of a woman's self-esteem until there's nothing left behind but a shell of the person she once was, as well as the lowest thresholds of despair someone can sink to.
And yet, among all that darkness and pain, this book will also give you hope, courage and strength.

It will show you broken and shattered women who still find the strength to not only go on and fight back, but also share their stories in the hope they will help save other lives out there.

'It is a men's world, yes, but our lives are our own and we will fight to preserve and live them with the very last breath.'

Flower In Flames is a well written evocative and impactful tale that will both break your heart and make you want to react. It's difficult to read at times, because of all the pain and injustice it entails, and yet, you'll find yourself unwilling to set it down.
An unputdownable hard read. - That's how I'd describe it. - Heartbreaking, gripping and impactful. A must read if you ask me.

Hugs and light everyone
and remember to always
'dust yourself off and try again'

Check out this book and more of Swit La Pound here.