Book Review: Quest of the Dreamwalker

Posted on  28/06/2021 18:17:48

Quest of the Dreamwalker by Bennett, Stacy

My rating: 4.5 magic stars

'Dying for a reason is far better than living without one.'

Cara is a prisoner. Sorcerer Sidonius keeps her secluded in his Black Keep, with obedience and duty the only things she is allowed to learn. And even though Cara's not locked up and held in chains, she cannot leave. Because long ago, she was broken. Stunted and crippled. Not in body but in soul. Sidonius crippled her soul so he could one day steal her magic. So Cara doesn’t have the strength to flee anymore.
Until the day she dares to defy an order and touches a man.

Captain Khoury - a mercenary kidnapped by Sidonius as food for the sorcerer's fading magic. Cara's not supposed to touch him. She's not supposed to interact. And yet, for the first time in her life, she dares to defy an order. And a touch is all it takes to turn her life upside down.

'Sometimes courage only requires a quick step off the cliff...'

Setting all of her fate in Khoury, she helps him and his friend escape. And that little act of defiance will sweep Cara and her new companions into a quest the likes of which she'd never even imagined. A quest to find and heal herself.

The captain had never intended to take the little frail girl along in his rush to escape. And I swear at a certain time I literally wanted to reach between the pages and give the eejit a solid smack upside his head.

If it hadn't been for his companion Archer, he would have left the poor girl behind. And the fact he seems to be bound to her, and wanting to protect her only makes him more wary of her. The girl is strong in magic and that magic calls on Khoury to keep her close and safe. Or perhaps is it something more?

As the three flee south, Sidonius’s influence follows them from the frozen tundra through Foresthaven to the mountain city of Iolair. Accompanied by Cara's trusted companion Gar, a huge white bear I practically fell in love with, Cara and her new found protectors must brave dark magic traps as well as everything else Sidonius sends on their heels.

And when their path crosses with that of yet another, they'll have to choose in between their old life and a new destiny. Because Falin, brutal and cold and not yet a Huntress of Foresthaven is much more than she may seem.
They will all need to work together to defeat Sidnoius before he unleashes his final spell.

Quest of the Dreamwalker is an intriguing start of a promising series full of magic, adventure and feeling. It is one of those tales full of meaning that may seem deceptively simple plotwise and yet, if you take a closer look and pay attention, you'll find it goes much deeper than you thought.

The wordbuilding is intricate, subtle and downright stunning while the characters are complex and wonderfully fleshed out while the feelings leap from the page. Aaaand Gar the bear is AWESOME!! Can I have him please?!!
Magic, mystery and action, friendship, fighting, passion and even love. You'll find all of these here.
But perhaps what I loved the most was the deep insight into the human nature and heart.

The pace does seem very slow at times, but stick with it and you won't be disappointed. It is absolutely delightful and then that end.... Oh my! Never saw that one coming.

I'm looking forward to the sequel and highly recommend this to any and all fantasy fans out there.
Read this if you love a beautiful tale full of meaning.

Check out this book and more of Stacy Bennett over at