Book Review: Windwitch

Posted on  21/08/2024 11:45:07

Windwitch by Susan Dennard

My rating: 2 stars and an upopular opinion

I was hoping I'd like this book more than the first. Alas, it was quite the opposite. 

Again a great concept and great magic, as well as two of my favourite characters: Iseult and Aeduan. And yet... I might have loved this when I was 15. Maybe. But now...

My main problem was with the plot. It is practically riddled with holes like Swiss cheese. And instead of the closure I was hoping for after Truthwitch, I only got more questions and confusion.

And then there were the inconsistencies in both character behaviour and writing that added to the confusion and literally pulled me out of the story at times. I will try to explain some without any spoilers here.

One of my favourite characters, who would have done anything for his people, all of a sudden decided he was perfectly happy to leave all the worries on someone else's shoulders and roam around the countryside with friends by his side. - Huh? Just like that!? 

Our heroine, while all throughout the series she hates and wants to disembowel the one guy who set everything in motion and basically screwed up her life, the one guy who takes her prisoner, calls her names and treats her like dirt; all of a sudden decides she feels sorry for said guy because he may die if he doesn't deliver her to his employer and decides to protect him. Seriously?! Just like that!?!

No viable reason is given in either of the cases. And the inconsistencies don't stop here.

Characters pop in and out of the story without any explanation and you are expected to take that for granted. Just like that!

The terms used don't fit in with the context either at times. For instance, her highness, the princess, is asking to be "updated" on the events of the day. "Updated" in a world of ships and cutlasses and magic and no advanced technology?! That doesn't sit quite well with me. Oh, and I shouldn't forget the dresses either, as they are other very nicely described or inexplicably change all of a sudden. Just like that.

So many things are added to the plot and then simply brushed over or left hanging!

To all those who loved this book, I'm sorry for all the harsh words, but for me it was a big disappointment.

The concept of Cahr Awen itself is great and I loved Iseult and Aeduan, that's why I gave it the 2 stars. As for all the rest, what can I say? It could have been so much better!!

Check out this book and more of Susan Dennard over at