Book Review: Cloaked

Posted on  21/08/2024 12:04:04

Cloaked by Taylor Hobbs

My rating: 5 brave stars full of longing!
For one of the best books I've read this year.

I love you. Be strong. I love you. Be strong.
art @za-ra-h on

How far would you go to save the one you love? Would you face your greatest fear and risk losing your life in the gamble?
What would you sacrifice to make sure he's happy? Would you even risk your very heart and soul?

Charlotte, an ordinary young village girl, never expected to end up crawling through the sewers stark naked, to break her younger brother out of the Duke's dungeon. A pretty desperate plan especially since, after reaching his cell and being able to unlock it, she finds no way for both of them to flee. Luckily for them, the Cloaked Shadow needs to fulfill a contract that very same night in the very same dungeon.

The most feared criminal in the kingdom, Fawkes, the infamous Cloaked Shadow, has made his career breaking into prisons for any contract with a large enough purse. He takes advantage of the kingdom's impending revolution by playing both sides of the conflict. Each rescue contract he fulfills turns a tidy profit. Of course the naked lass pleading for her brother in the dank dungeon has nothing to reward him with. And yet, Fawkes finds he cannot leave her behind.

The brother is saved and in hiding, but the Duke suspects foul play and his men ruthlessly kill Charlotte's mother as a result, while Charlotte barely escapes with her life. And ends up on the run, alongside The Cloaked Shadow. As his informal apprentice and criminal-in-training, Charlotte is swept up in a dark and dangerous adventure that will not only blur her sense of right and wrong, but also endanger her life and break her heart.
Ready To Fight by jamesdesign1 on DeviantArt

They simply stood frozen in the moment, two warriors acknowledging the fire and skill they both shared.

On a wonderfully crafted background of a kingdom in turmoil, Taylor Hobbs gives us here a gripping dark tale full of feeling, enacted by compelling characters that practically jump of the page.
Hope and despair, longing and love, anger, fear and guilt... this author brilliantly renders each and every feeling through two of the most remarkable characters I have ever met. Not because they are magically special and badass, but because they are real.

Fawkes with his fighter's heart and anguish, broken in ways Charlotte couldn't fix. Scarred and imperfect. At times full of an anger so deep that not even fear of death can overpower it; and at others, breaking down under such agony and devastation, that you cannot help but want to reach out through the pages to offer him any comfort you can. A ruthless assassin who would slit a highwayman's throat and then use the same knife unflinchingly for supper later that day. But also a gentle gentle companion who would let a woman break down in his arms and stand still holding her tight for as long as she needs it. He is one of the most complex characters I have ever encountered.

And then we have Charlotte. Sweet and gentle Charlotte. Compassionate and kind but at the same time just as ruthless as the toughest assassin.
dropdeadcoheed - deviantart

Charlotte is so complex and real! Both strong and vulnerable; brave despite being afraid! She is one of those characters you easily identify with and root for.

I read this book in one day, not wanting to set it down. Not even while I was cooking. I just had to know what Charlotte would do and got so swept within the story that I forgot to stir in my pot and ended up burning the dinner!

This tale made me angry at the injustice Charlotte had to face. It made me tear up at both her anguish, as well as that of Fawkes. And don't even let me start with the way the two supported each other because that was so heartfelt and wonderful!!

"This is going to hurt," she whispered to him. But I have to do it. It's the only way to save you. I know right now you probably don't want to be saved, but it's in my hands. And I'm selfish. I don't want you to die."

Charlotte is a role model for not only what each and every woman can become, but also what each human should do. The best for those you love, regardless of what you need to sacrifice in return. Because after all, that's what true love is.

If you love Romantic Fantasy with flawlessly described emotions and masterfully build characters, do give this book a try! Who knows, you might enjoy it just as much as I did.

Happy reading Bookdragons!
And may you always have the strength to bravely fight the shadows and step into the light!

Check out this book and more of Taylor Hobbs over at