Book review: The Emperor's Edge

Posted on  21/08/2024 12:06:06

The Emperor's Edge by Lindsay Buroker

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

This book came highly recommended by many people who loved it, so I decided to give it a try.

And truly, I do understand why so many readers love it. It is light and witty, as well as entertaining an funny. For me however, that was not enough.

While I adore fast-paced adventures with snarky retorts and sharp-witted dialogue, I want more. I want depth and substance and characters that leap of the page, not because they make me chuckle, but because they feel real. I don't like special snowflakes or the invincible Mary Sue. I root for the badass ladies who break down, cry and falter, like any one of us would. I cheer for the flawed guys who walk that thrilling line in between good and evil. The good guys who've lost their way, as well as the villains who make me wait with fingers crossed to see which way the dreaded ax will fall.
I love imperfection you could say. Because that is what makes a story feel real.

That being said, The Emperor's Edge was a bit too unrealistic for me. Both character and plot-wise that is. It did have a lot of funny banter and laugh out loud moments but they became a little overwhelming after a while.

If you don't mind a humorous adventure to simply enjoy for the sake of a fun ride, without taking it seriously and without looking for a deeper meaning, this will be a 5 star book for you.
If however, you are looking for more substance, just like me, I suggest you try something else instead.

Check out this book and more of Lindsay Buroker over at