Book Review: The Crimson Scar

Posted on  17/05/2023 11:46:20

The Crimson Scar by Hannah Penfold

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I stumbled across this one day on FB and instantly added it to my TBR because it was recommended for fans of The Hunger Games. And I love The Hunger Games! !

Did it hold up to expectations?
Yes and no.

Crimson Scar is indeed a book that will appeal to all Hunger Games fans out there, as far as both plot and characters are concerned.

A half-blood Raven outcast wanting nothing more than to save her sister’s life - Scarlet Seraphine
A deadly competition in which Ravens lose their lives at every turn - the Hex Trials
A swoon-worthy love interest & a lovely slow-burn romance with a bit of spice.
Crimson Scar delivers on all counts.

The trials themselves are chef's kiss. Ingeniously crafted, with great fight scenes, as well as wondrous magic and that addictive little extra something the underdog always compensates with while found lacking in strength or powers. The smart ingenuity that surprises.

Scarlet herself is awesome. The perfect underdog one cannot help but root for. And the same can be said for her love interest too.

And yet, the tale ended up falling short, because of the execution.
More than a few things are left unexplained, while others are build up only to be suddenly brushed over, or dropped as if forgotten. The switch from one scene to another is occasionally a bit to abrupt for comfort and, while the touch of cinematic perspective of the narrative works beautifully at times, it appears jarring at others.

All in all, Crimson Scar is a pretty good book for all those in need of something to soothe a Hunger Games fix. As long as you don't mind the above mentioned and the harsh cliff-hanger from the epilogue. The full out George R.R. Martin kind of cliff-hanger - those who've read the last published book in ASOIAF will know what I'm talking about.
They are a pet peeve of mine, these kind of abrupt ends that leave you wondering if someone survived or not. And I would have probably considered reading the next in this series if not for that. As it is, I probably won't. But then again, that's just a pet peeve of mine and might not affect other readers the same way.

Check out this book and more of Hannah Penfold over at