Heart-to-Heart with Karen Crawford, author of Underbelly and Atone

Posted on  27/12/2023 09:15:50

The Magic Book Corner is happy to present you today, the lovely Karen Crawford.

Karen is the author of Underbelly and Atone, two fabulous mystery thrillers that are on this Bookdragon's list of favorites. They are truly AWESOME! Just as Karen herself.


1. Hi Karen and welcome to The Magic Book Corner. To begin could you please tell our readers here a little bit about yourself? 

Hi! Thank you so much for having me! I am honored to be here! I live in the USA in Northern Arizona. I am married and I have two adult children. One lives in Colorado and the other in Arizona. I am retired from a career in the criminal justice system as a probation officer and supervisor for 20 years. Now I write and hang out with my cat, dog and husband. 

2. You write mystery thrillers. Why choose this genre in particular? 

Even when I was working, I couldn’t get enough crime in my system! I read mysteries and crime thrillers almost exclusively, and I live on a steady diet of television shows and movies that focus on this genre. Human behavior fascinates me! The desire to know what makes people tick compels me to study them. 

3. Your Atone and Underbelly are among this Magic Book’s Corner’s list of favorites. Can you tell our readers a little bit more about them? 

Underbelly is about a serial killer who is operating in a construction zone during a hotel/casino renovation in Las Vegas. The Square - as it’s called - is open, but construction continues, and two lower floors have not yet been renovated. Seedy ongoings occur down there; it is the underbelly, the place hidden beneath the Vegas glitz and glamour. Our serial killer takes advantage of the chaos and goes undetected until a wealthy woman accidentally stumbles onto one of the floors. Retired detective, Taryn Winter, her former Partner, Daniel Brady, and FBI Special Agent Jenae Shannon take on the the case. 

Atone is a continuation of the story. In this book, Taryn, Daniel and Jenae chase our serial killer to Arizona and into other places in Nevada. **This book is not only about bringing a killer to justice**, but also about the metamorphosis that transpires within all of them. To me, the character development and changes needed a separate space to be realized, rather than turning a page in Underbelly. The book is still fast-paced, but it has a different angle. 

4. How did the idea take root? And what inspired you to write them? 

Ha! A construction zone in Las Vegas that had a creepy, winding drive leading to the entrance during renovation. I was there with friends and said, “I’m going to kill someone in here.” The story simmered for a few months, then getting out of my head became a compulsion. It coincided nicely with my retirement, so I was able to focus on writing it. Our detectives and serial killer visit this drive in both books. 

5. Why a female lead? I am certainly not complaining because Taryn is fabulous. But why choose a woman detective? 

Isn’t she great? I love her quirkiness - the contrasts. I wanted a woman who could kill you but who had great compassion for people - for humanity. People are fragile, and criminality is complicated. Many defendants in the criminal justice system have also been victims. I wanted to show the emotion that surrounds both sides, and I believed a woman could do that best. 

6. Why the world of Vegas and casinos? 

Las Vegas is the best people-watching place! I love every single thing about it! The jingling slot machines, the smoke, the vices and indulgences, the regretful choices! Ha! I could go on and on. Vegas is an intoxicating blend of right and wrong. 

7. And why did you choose to present even a killer’s POV? 

When I first started writing, I ran across an article that said it was OK to like your villain. I can’t tell you how relieved I was! I enjoyed writing about the darkness and depravity that existed in the killer’s head. We often just see a glimpse of a killer, but I wanted to delve a little deeper - and show a glimpse of humanity. 

8. I was impressed by the insight you gave into the serial killer’s mind. You even made me feel a little sorry for him, despite all the horrifying things he’s done. Is it based on research, experience, or something else? 

Thank you so much! More than anything, I wanted to showcase the idea that in spite of a person’s actions, buried deep beneath, perhaps the desire exists to be like everyone else - to lead the life others do. 

9. Taryn is a champion of the people of the streets. She cares for the street ladies, for the homeless, for those whom people most often forget. What prompted you to write her so?

Yes! Those are the people Taryn will always choose: the ones most often forgotten. One kind action or word can mean the world to someone. A slice of hope can lift someone up. Her mission is compassion. 

And . . . in my third book in the Taryn Winter series, we will learn a little more about her past and her connection to the streets. Was that too cryptic?     

10. And why did you choose to highlight this particular part of society? 

Because, to me, these are the people who most need that kind word or deed. 

11. I know you are currently working on a new novel. Could you please tell us a little bit about it? 

Well, I in the last two months, I actually wrote a stand-alone novel called Housewife. It is about a woman who walks out on her family and becomes involved in a drug cartel. 

I have written about half of Taryn’s next adventure: Call Box. It’s about another serial killer, this one operating on California’s highways. Victims believe they have been released and use call boxes along the highways to contact police for help. Our FBI Agent, Jenae Shannon, will bring Taryn and Daniel in on the case, and we will discover ties to Las Vegas - and to Taryn. 

12. Do you have any publishing date in mind? 

Summer for Housewife. The Call Box journey will be a little longer. 

13. Speaking of writing and planning, are you a plotter or a punster? 

For me, the story simmers constantly in my head until it is complete, then I type it out. Some details may change in the process and I’m typing. Can I be a little bit of each? 

14. What should a reader expect when picking up your books? 

Dark things live in my head. So, I would say, expect murder, a walk on the wild side, dark subject matter, grittiness, a glimpse of humanity, and a side of compassion. (Also, expect f-bombs.) 

15. You have also recently started a virtual book club. Could you please tell us a little more about it? How does it work? What kind of books does it feature? 

Oh my! Thank you so much for asking about this! I am very excited about it! I wanted to find a way to bring people together during these times. A way for people to socialize and meet in a safe environment. To me, reading brings us together. We find common ground in books. 

I also wanted to find a way to showcase indie authors and to actually give readers an opportunity to meet authors and discuss their books with them. There are so many talented writers out there! I’ve met many authors through social media, and I want to shine a light on their work - much the way you do! Magic Book Corner is such a spectacular champion for us all! I am so grateful for everything you two accomplish for everyone! 

Information, personal bios and links for books are on my website. I also make announcements on social media that can be shared. 

16. How can an interested reader join your club? 

Purchase the book, then message or email me to let me know you’re in, then I will email you with a personal invitation to meet the author through Zoom. 

17. On a little more personal note, have you encountered any obstacles and difficulties in your writing career? And how did you overcome them? 

I have! I wrote Underbelly and Atone in less than ten months, and Housewife in less than five weeks. Call Box has suffered some stall-outs. I love the story, but I haven’t focused like I should to finish it. I think the distraction of writing Housewife actually helped because I’m feeling butterflies about getting back to it! Fingers crossed. 

18. And lastly, is there any advice you would give to other Indie authors out there? 

To all of us, I say: we overcome! Support, kindness, compassion. 

Thank you to all readers and writers! We come together to share our passions! 

And to you, Magic Book Corner, a HUGE thank you for showing us all of these! You work so hard for all of us! You are so wonderful, and I am grateful we connected!    

That's all for now from the lovely Karen, but this Magic Book Corner will get her back here after her release of Housewife. And our Bookdragon Jeff will show you a little insight into her characters'mind, through his A Dragon's Heart-to-Heart with a Book Hero, coming up soon.

About the author: Karen Crawford

Karen Crawford worked in the community supervision field for 20 years. During her career, she spent countless hours with criminal offenders, delving into the details that make them tick and gaining insight about human behavior. Her passion and drive for helping people and promoting best practices in criminal justice earned her numerous awards during her tenure. She has always valued those who serve, and those who are served, in the criminal justice system. Now, she lets her imagination run wild, writing about the other side of the law. Karen lives in Northern Arizona with her husband, dogs and cat. Her two children have flown the coop.

Connect with Karen here:

Website: http://www.karencrawfordmysteries.com

Instagram: @karencrawfordmysteries

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Karen-Crawford-742872099217068

Genre: Crime, Mystery, Suspense

Follow Karen on Amazon here:


And buy her books here:





If you'd like to know more about her awesome books, check out my review of 



and Atone
