Best of Middle-aged Fantasy Characters

Posted on  12/01/2024 10:05:59

In both Fantasy and Romance we will most always meet young heroes and heroines braving dangers and standing up to life's challenges with the full enthusiasm of youth. Few are the tales that centre around middle-aged characters. Is it that people do not wish to hear about what happens after we reach a certain age? Or is life more meaningful when you're young and the rest fades as time passes?

There is a different level of thought when you have passed a certain age, a maturity missing in younger years! The books that manage to reflect that thinking and give us an accurate representation of such a character with feelings and values appropriate for that age... they are a treasure!

And that is why, this Bookdragon here went on a hunt for them. 

As it turns out, books with middle aged MCs are rather few on the fantasy market but I managed to gather a pretty good list. Over a hundred titles gathered from different bookish groups and platforms and set together in a list, that you'll find below.

A list full of worthy middle-aged characters that might become your next favourite.

This Corner of our MBC is dedicated to them.

Hope you will cherish them just as much as I do! :)

More to be added soon. 

We're getting great stuff ready for you all. So do come back later please. 

For now all you'll find here is some great Bookdragon and men eye candy. 

And NO! We didn't loose our shirts! It's just HOT in here and we are working! :D