Last Updated on 23/02/2024 11:48:56

Cover Art By Don Maitz - A Complete List
Posted on 15/01/2024 08:54:10Don Maitz is one of the greatest cover artists ever!!
And I'm not just saying that because he was kind enough to allow me to use part of one of his paintings for my Magic Book Corner home image! That would his painting The Wizard. :)
Magical, isn't it?!
Just take a look at Don's art people and see for yourselves how fabulous it is!!
During his career, Don's art has adorned the covers of a staggering number of books, The only ever complete list of his book covers has been compiled by Mr. Gary Lovisi in the Article "The Magic of DON MAITZ" published in the Art Magazine "Illustration" - Issue no. 55, 2017
With Don's permission, I am hereby posting here the Complete List of Cover Art done by Don Maitz and compiled by Mr. Lovisi with Don's help. There may be a few titles that have been missed, but most of them are here.
A special thank you to Mr.Gary Lovisi for making this possible.
Books are listed alphabetically by publisher; then author’s last name. In most cases the title for Don’s original painting is the title of the book, but not in all cases, so where known, Mr. Lovisi has added Don's original title for the cover painting as stated in his art book Dreamquests, and Don has also added some of his titles for the book covers. Listings with an asterisk * at the end indicate the original art is available for sale at donmaitz@ paravia.com
All the images included in this article are subject to copyright.
All Art@Don Maitz www.paravia.com
All works copyrighted and prints available. For information on prints and commissions contact: donmaitz@paravia.com

Harris, Deborah Turner, Caledon Of The Mists, 1994.



BANTAM BOOKS (also see Spectra Books)





DEL REY BOOKS (also see Ballantine Books)



EOS BOOKS (an imprint of Harper Collins)






POCKET BOOKS (also see Timescape Books)

POPULAR LIBRARY (also see Questar Books)

QUESTAR BOOKS (a Popular Library imprint)

ROC BOOKS (imprint of Signet/NAL) Crompton,


SPECTRA BOOKS (a Bantam Books imprint)


TIMESCAPE BOOKS (a Pocket Books imprint)


TSR BOOKS (Wizards of The Coast)


Realms of Fantasy #1.2, Dec. 1994, cover.
Realms of Fantasy #1.4, April, 1995, cover.
Science Fiction Review #7, Feb. 1992, cover.

Eerie #88, Warren Publications, 1977, “Aliens-10 Humans-3”).

Note: These are all extra delux collector's editions and not all images are available. What I could find, please see below. Different covers were used for the same title, especially for the Stephen King books:
Here are the other 4:
King, Stephen, The Shining, Cemetery Dance, 2016, eight paintings. *
Here they are:


— Checklist by Gary Lovisi, 2017
If you's like to see a few of the above covers, the published book, side by side with Don's painting, please check out The Magic Book Corner's Art Gallery here and enjoy! :)
This art deserves to be praised and admired because it is .... magic on a page!!
About the Artist: Don Maitz
Don Maitz has produced outstanding work in exploring paths of fantastic realism. For twenty five years, he has produced narrative paintings containing fantasy, science fiction, and historical images. His career began with New York City book publishing. Don's artwork evolved within this market and has expanded into many other areas. He has received considerable exposure as the original and continuing artist of the Captain Morgan Spiced Rum pirate character.
Joseph Seagrams & Sons, The National Geographic Society, Bantam Doubleday Dell, Warner Books, Random House Publishing, Watson Guptill, Penguin USA, and Harper Collins Publishers are some of his clients. His work has been produced for the limited edition print market with images released by Mill Pond Press, and the Greenwich Workshop. His works are internationally recognized and acclaimed. He has twice won science fiction's accolade for best artist, the Hugo award. He has received a Howard award from the World Fantasy Convention, a Silver Medal and Certificates of Merit from New York's Society of Illustrators, and ten Chesley awards from his peers in the Association of Science Fiction and Fantasy Artists. His paintings were included at NASA's 25th Anniversary presentation.
He helped initiate the first ever museum showing of fantastic paintings at the New Britain Museum of American Art in Connecticut where the public broke all previous attendance records. His work has been included at the Park Avenue Atrium, the Hayden Planetarium, the Society of Illustrators - all located in New York City. His works were included in two large exhibits of fantastic art - at both the Delaware Art Museum and Canton Art Museum. These popular exhibits inspired a follow up show at each museum. The San Diego Maritime Museum, the Orlando History Center, and the Key West Custom House have enthusiastically displayed his pirate paintings in exhibitions pursuing that theme.
Don Maitz attended the Paier School of Art from 1971-75, where he graduated top of the class, since, his work has enhanced various published formats including: book, magazine, cards, record album, compact disk, poster, limited edition print, puzzle, collector plate, and computer screen saver programs. Two art books of his color paintings have been reproduced titled Dreamquests, The Art of Don Maitz containing ninety images from his varied career; and First Maitz a collection of paintings with the artist's insights and notes on technique. Both editions have sold out. Besides illustrating many book covers by authors such as, Isaac Asimov, Ray Bradbury, C. J. Cherryh, Raymond E. Feist, Allan Dean Foster, and Michael Moorcock, he illustrated a limited edition publication of Stephen King's novel, Desperation. Don also has illustrated two short stories and a British edition novel written by his wife, author/artist Janny Wurts. The May 1999 issue of "National Geographic Magazine" contains a commissioned pirate illustration that also appeared with other of his works on national television's Dateline NBC. His work is featured among ten artists in an art book titled Fantasy Art Masters. He has worked as a conceptual artist on an animated feature film titled, "Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius".
In addition he served as guest instructor at the Ringling School of Art and Design in the 1985-1986 semesters and has lectured at colleges, universities, and conventions all over the United States.
He lives in Florida with his wife, Janny Wurts, the noted fantasy novelist and artist who paints covers to the books she writes. They share a studio home with four cats and three horses.

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