Book Review: Jinxed

Posted on  19/10/2022 17:41:14

Jinxed by Rachel Rener

My rating: 5 fluffy stars

After reading and practically falling in love with the Lightning Conjurer series, Rachel Rener has become one of my auto-buy authors.
And Inked was even better! Suffice it to say, by that point, it was already crystal clear I'd read anything this author wrote, even if she wrote it on a damn toilet paper.

It took me a while to get to Jinxed, because life sometimes has a way of kicking you in the balls when you least expect it, and you do need some time to get back up. But I wouldn't have missed it for the world.
I was expecting it to be great, because each of this author's books seems to be even better than the other. But it wasn't great. It was fricking FABULOUS!

This is one book that will swath your heart like a warm security blanket. It's a book that will have you sigh and cry, then laugh out loud while crying. It's a book that will have you snapping at everyone who wants to interrupt your reading time because you just need to know what happens next! (*cough* - been there, done that.)

Jinxed kicks off straight after the events of Inked. And if you haven't read that, you're seriously missing out. As far as the plot's concerned... you're gonna have to read the book to find it out (*slapping a big duct tape on the mouth to prevent myself from accidental spoiler gushing*)

What I need to tell you though is what to expect. Cause you've got to be ready for all that! Or maybe not. (*smirk*)

The troubles of Talia and Zayn were by far not over at the end of book 1 and here, in Jinxed, we get to see the shit properly hit the fan.
So get ready for a hell lot of trouble. From a bloodthirsty, power-hungry, magical mob boss, to another unexpected, terrifying journey into the Fae Realm, incubus-related heartbreak of course, and perhaps the worst of all, a riled up worried mom harbouring some hefty family secrets.

With a 'figure-it-out as I go' plan of an untrained rookie trying to pull off an intradimensioanl prison break nothing can go wrong, right? Apart from everyone involved being royally screwed of course.
The stakes are higher than ever before, the villains more despicable, and the fae world practically blooms with wonderful creatures. Even the scary wonderful kind.

The sexy irresistible overprotective stupidly attractive incubus is just as perfect as before. OK! Fine. Even more perfect! But I swear there were a couple of times in which I wanted to smack the idjit over the back of his head!
'Zayn baby, I love you to pieces! But sometimes you can be so stupid!!! Give the girl some credit will ya!! She's badass!!'

OK. I'm good. Rant over. Let's move on.

To Talia of course who is by now one of my all-time favourites. So brave and selfless and totally awesome!! Everyone will love Talia because her heart may just shine brighter than her gilded blood. And Talia high on truffles is outstanding!! Before you ask, she isn't perfect. She blunders and messes up, puts her foot in the mouth at the most inopportune moments and rushes head-long into danger at others. And she admits it all outright with an irresistible self deprecating humour, lots of wit and charm.
Talia is one character that's remarkably written.

And don't even get me started on the fluff butt! Because damn!! That small floofy baby will have anyone melt into a big puddle of adoring goo. Even those readers with about as much maternal instinct as a hamster.
The fluff butt steals the show! When it's not stolen by Talia's mother. That woman rocks!

Then there's the love, and the feeling! Glorious love full of hunger, need and pain. The kind that makes you sigh at a touch and gets you close to tears because of yearning. The irresistible kind Anne Bishop gives us in Sebastian. My favourite incubus love story ever! Jinxed has just landed on the same shelf with that, because it's just as beautifully written.

The plot is fast-paced and action packed, despite everything taking place during a single weekend. The tension is just right to keep you at the edge of your seat. Maybe consider putting some cream on your nails to stop from biting them. Not that I did. (*cough* maybe just a bit)
And the prose flows like a charm - except for the times when you get chocked with something from laughing so hard. (*Note to self - do not read a Rachel Rener book again while drinking or eating. Or else.*)

I'll put an end to this review before I piss you all off with way too much gushing. But before I pack up my quill and parchment, one last piece of advice, from a Bookdragon to another.

Do yourself a favour and read Jinxed!

Till next time everyone,
Happy Jinxed reading
and be kind.

P.S. Rachel Rener, if you're ever reading this review... could you please point me into the right direction to get myself a little fluff butt and that totally awesome sling bag which would make even Hermione jealous? Because I want them. Bad!!
And write that sequel faster!! I want that too! Like... yesterday!

Check out this book and more of Rachel Rener over at: