Meet the WIW Author - Tiffany D. Young

Posted on  27/12/2023 09:15:50

Meet the WIW Author: Tiffany D. Young

Author of

Ready or Not: You're Gonna Love Me


Christmas Again

Too Good To Be True


Aden: The Beginning

When You Have To Choose


Songs Of My Heart

The Magic Book Corner's first Wednesday at WIW kicked off with a dark short story - Ready or Not: You're Gonna Love Me by Tiffany D Young.  And now, as part of our #MagicBookCornersWednesdayatWIW It is time for you to know the author! 

The lovely Tiffany D. Young 

This Bookdragon here asked her for a little heart to heart as well as a few details about all her books.

1. Hi Tiffany. And thank you for agreeing to this interview. To begin, could you please tell our readers a little bit about yourself? 

Of course, My name is Tiffany D. Young. I was born in Detroit, Michigan and from 12-16 I was raised in Las Vegas, Nevada. I claim both, they are home do to the pivotal things that happened in my life at that time. Both my parents are still married, it will be 36 years together. [ They were married two months after I was born]. I have 3 older brothers and one older sister and one younger brother. One of my older brothers died when I was 12 years old. 

2. What is the genre you write in? 

I call myself an eclectic writer. I write in all genres. Not being fancy or anything. I write whatever's on my mind. I love being creative and just going for it. If I had to choose one that I’m more into then it would be fantasy, or scifi/ fantasy anything fantasy.

3. Could you please tell us a little bit about each of your short stories? What are they about and for what readership are they intended?

I have 2 short stories. 

The first is Christmas Again. 

This is a story about a young man, dealing with multiple issues. The death of his wife, raising his young daughter, and a newly onset of depression. He hates being around family because it brings on jealousy and anxiety. Going home for the holiday is like a special gift for his daughter and parents. The readership I would say young adult 16 +. 

And the second, Ready or Not You’re Gonna Love Me

This story was fun for me to write. I truly got into this. This is a story about an obsessed controlling woman named Cassie. She does what she wants, when she wants and no one can stop her, but when the love of her life chooses to be without her she takes no one else can have you to a whole new level. This is definitely for a mature audience 18+. 

I also wrote two more stories.

Too Good To Be True 

This is a story about a women searching for love and when she gave up, an unfortunate notification for a man looking for love. This doesn't turn out well. I unfortunately experienced Catfish. I didn't fall to deep, but I did get talked into a itunes card. Lol! But, after that I learned my lesson from trusting someone you have never met or ran into. 

When You Have To Choose 

Mila has been dating her co-worker and her boss. She thought one of them would fade out, but to her surprise they both have fallen head over heels. What’s worse is so has she. Will Mila choose or will she continue to heat up the workplace hoping no one gets burned.

As well as 

Songs of my heart [Song lyrics and poems] 

This is a book full of old songs and poems that I had written years ago. I use to sing a lot, but as you can see I changed careers. :)

Right now I am also working passionately passionately on a new project - Aden The Beginning. 

It is a fantasy novel. College students are assigned a final project and this project takes them into searching for an abandoned building where curiosity does more than kill the cat.

Aden The Beginning is scheduled for release on November 10, 2020

5. I’ve read and loved 2 of your short stories Christmas Again and Ready or Not You’re Gonna Love Me. What makes them special to me is the fact that you wrote them from the POV of the ‘different’. That of the ill person, the one thought to be insane, the one who’s crazy and obsessed. And you pulled it off like a charm. Why choose this particular approach? And what is the inspiration behind it? 

Great question. I get tired of writing the general and generic characters. 

Christmas Again, the character Christopher came about because I know what it is to lose someone [a spouse]. I know how I felt from my perspective. I’m a woman, I was completely devastated, and the world felt like it had meaning anymore. I suffer from a mental disorder and depression. I wanted to create Christopher and get to know him and recreate my circumstance but through a man’s eyes. I don’t know if I did him justice, but he had me crying before I finished the story. 

Now Cassie, wow! We know what a crazed-maniac anyone can be when it comes to love, but a woman who gets what she wants, never takes no or a refusal with a grain of salt was my goal. I chose a lesbian couple because a love triangle with two guys and girl is so cliche. The twist and turns was more than I expected to create, but it came out great. 

6. Do you have any future plans of more short stories or perhaps novels? If yes, could you share some of them with us? 

I have file folders and containers full of stories that I have started and have put aside for years. I do have more short story series coming soon. I have a total of 8 published books. 3 books are being edited. Aden the Beginning among them.

7. Have there been any difficulties in your writing career? If yes, how did you overcome them. 

I have a hard time staying focused and if I don’t write immediately I forget. I suffer from short-term memory loss due to an illness I suffered from at 17. I have to write down everything, and place them where I can see. Even with that I forget. But it takes focus, training myself and a lot of prayer. I am overly organized, but it’s messy. :D

About the author: Tiffany D. Young


Twitter: authorbeginning

Instagram: @iamtiffanydyoung

Born a Detroit Michigan native it was hard growing up but my parents instilled in me the most important things in life God family and education. I always push to be the best I could be even if I fail most of the time with 5 other siblings in the household it was a challenge I lost a brother at a young age of 12 move to Vegas with my parents and your brother and continue life they're learning for the first time in many cultures and variations of life I always love reading and writing that's all I did I had tons of journals I also want creative writing awards at the age of 16 I moved back to Michigan and at the age of 17 years old I became ill With viral meningitis illness the hospital said that Tylenol will help and it will go away in a week but sadly it didn't the illness progressed and turned into Encephalitis causing throat lean on my brain making me not remember things barely walking and talking but the swelling it later left a scar on my brain causing me to become ever left it and have a mood disorder short term memory loss and slurred speech doctor said I would never be the same and that I would never read a book or be normal again but I beat the odds with gods and my family help I graduated from high school and college with an Associates of Arts degree I have shelves of books that I have read and completed the best of all I wrote books through all of my trials I climb those mountains and you can too.
