Heart-to-Heart with Daniel Potter, author of Freelance Familiars

Posted on  23/02/2024 11:25:38

Today, The Magic Book Corner brings you Daniel Potter, the author of one of the coolest series with Familiars ever written - Freelance Familiars.


Here is our little Heart-to-Heart:

1. Welcome to The Magic Book Corner Daniel. To begin, could you please tell our readers here a little bit about yourself? 

I was an accidental academic. I graduated with a degree in biology as the first dot com bust happened so I went to grad school to get myself a PhD mostly because that sounded like a good idea. Once I got that degree I fully intended to get myself a real job in the industry. But I finished my PhD right after the start of great recession. I had one post doc offer in the Neatherlands. So off to Europe I went. I was never a very dedicated scientist however and kept on stealing time to work on creative projects. 

2. I have just finished Off Leash, the first book in your Freelance Familiar Series and absolutely loved it. How did this series come to be? What is the inspiration behind it? 

I love hearing people enjoy my stories! Thank you. Off Leash was total lark. I was stuck on the science fiction manuscript I had been noodling with when nanowrimo came up. I figured I’d give myself a break and write something silly about a guy who became a cougar. And before I knew it, I won nanowrimo (writing 50k during the month of November) and I had completed novel by the end of December. My first finished novel. So I’m like what the heck. I’ll publish it. And it did pretty dang well. So I decided to write another… 

3. Off Leash is written from the perspective of a human mind stuck in the body of a cougar. And I was downright impressed by the description of the 'mind adjusting to new feline body' process. From the big cat's movements to instincts and senses. How did you pull this off so smoothly? What's the secret behind it? 

Transformation, shapeshifting, animal characters have always been an interest to me. I’m also a biologist who grew up watching a fair number of nature documentaries on PBS. I really enjoy learning about the details that most folks don’t know. 

4. Why a cougar? 

Because cougars never seem to get enough love. They’re the biggest cat in North America and yet we know very little about them compared to lions and tigers. Also they’re absolute badasses, able to leap a four lane highway with a running start and have a very high successful hunt ratio compared to some of their bigger cousins. I hope Thomas inspires more people to go out and learn about this amazing cat that is literally in our backyards. Maybe with more of preservation mindset than a hunting mindset. 

5. I loved Thomas as a character but Rudy steals the show a bit. How did the little 'bushy-tailed maniac' come to be? 

Completely be accident. Looking at my initial brainstorming Rudy isn’t even listed as a character. He first appeared at that moment he was spying on Thomas in the bathroom. Afterwards he showed up with Saberina and served as an informational font to Thomas. During that conversation he simply grew from there. He’s now a fixture in Thomas’s world as well as his best friend. 

6. Tell us a little bit about the magic in your series. It is, as one of your characters put it, 'as complex as electronics paired with interdimensional physics.' Intriguing and downright amazing. How did it come to be? 

I wanted something to justify powerful wizards being people who study lots of books and theories. An element that made magic taxing and not everyone can grapple with, without it having a lame requirement like a special bloodline. So what if magic requires thinking not in 3 dimensions but four. The interdimensional nature of magic (and dragons and Fey) followed soon after.

7. There are quite a few memorable characters in your book. Werewolves, squirrels, cats and owls and many more. Do you have a personal favourite? 

Easy. Rudy, Thomas and O’Meara. 

8. Each of your characters has a distinct and wonderfully fleshed out personality, complete with little memorable quirks that make the reader practically see their animal bodies. How do you pull it off so well? What's the secret? 

All of my characters live in my head to a degree and I’m often acting out the characters as I write. It slows me down a bit compared to some of my peers but it works. I’m also always trying to look at the world through not just Thomas’ eyes but all the characters eyes. It can get complicated. 

9. Are any of your characters inspired by real people? 

Not really. 

10. The bond between Mage and familiar is another highlight of the series for me. Wonderfully described! How did that come to be? 

Familiars are central to the series, I needed a way to make them a critical part of a magus’ power. I figured that since 4th dimensional objects are spells an extra pair of eyes is critical to spell crafting hence the ablity to share senses is very important. 

11. Why a Talking Animal Union? 

Why not? It was originally a working title but like many of my working titles I never thought of a better one. Wait till book three and four :D 

12. Despite the fact that this book is so incredibly funny and lighthearted it also deals with a couple of serious themes. Use of power with no responsibility, injustice and slavery - clearly outlined by the furry four-footed cast. Why did you choose these themes and this particular approach? 

This is why I sometime describe the series as Disney with a bit of grit. Honestly I just asked myself what would a society of powerful people with no oversight and leaders who grew up in the feudal era look like? 

13. The 4th book in your Freelance Familiars Series has just been published. Are there any plans for more?

I will be publishing 2 more Freelance Familiar books centered on Thomas this year. Then I’ll be working on a new Urban Fantasy series with a different universe. Then I might swing back to FF with a spin off. Not sure yet. 

14. And speaking of planning, are you a plotter or a pantser? 

I’m pantser. Mostly. If I get stuck I make a messy outline to get myself out of a jam. Then I’ll sit down and never look at it again. 

15. What should a reader expect when picking up your series? 

Expect to laugh. 

16. And to what readership in particular would your series appeal to? 

If the cover of Aggressive Behavior, with a squirrel piloting a giant robot and a cougar brandishing a magical sword, makes you smile then you are my audience. 

17. You have another 4 book series already published - Rise of The Horned Serpent. Could you tell us a little bit about it? 

Rise of the Horned Serpent is two Sky Pirate sisters verses a diabolical mad scientist dragon. It’s a high octane and sexy ride through the skies, dungeons and cities of a world inspired by both Japanese and American Indian folk lore. 

18. What's next for Daniel Potter the writer? 

Writing the still untitled Freelance Familiars 5. Working title: Lion Rain. 

19. On a little more personal note, have you encountered any obstacles or difficulties in your writing career? If yes, how did you overcome them? 

I’ve been really lucky in my life, I haven’t had any limbs severed by meteroites or been cursed with paws for hands (which is probably the only thing that would force me to use dictation software). Its just me, the blank page and all the time I can gather to throw into the writing. 

20. And lastly, is there any advice you might have for other indie writers out there, or perhaps a message to our readers? 

Always honor the audience you have. Even if its small, those people are your foundation.

About the author: Daniel Potter

Daniel Potter has always been inspired by the mysteries of the world. His early interest lead him to become avid researcher as well as gamer and writer. After obtaining his PhD in vascular biology, he began exploring fictional magic and spiritualism using his own particular scientific lense. Daniel published the webcomic Walking the Lethe from 2010-2012 and is an active member of the East Bay Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Meet-up group. His debut novel, Off Leash, is just the first in his Freelance Familiar series. When he's not chasing his imagination, Daniel works as a vascular biologist in the Bay Area. He shares an apartment with his wife, two cats, and a large collection of video games.

Connect with Daniel here:







Buy his books herehttps://danielpotterauthor.com/store/