A Dragon's Heart-to-Heart with a Book Hero - Skye and Ilyas from A Bond of Thread by Allegra Pescatore and J.P. Burnison

Posted on  27/12/2023 09:15:50

Good Day everyone! 

It's Saturday today which means Jeff the Bookdragon, is taking over The Magic Book Corner. 

Welcome to our den and our feature: #a🐉s🧡to🧡witha📚Hero 

Today we have two very special guests – one of our all-time favourite couples: 

Skye and Ilyias 

from A Bond of Thread (The Mountain Fell Book 1) By Allegra Pescatore and J.P. Burnison

Jeff has invited them over for a chat and has been very excited for this particular visit. Well, as exited as a dragon can be. :D Because this couple is special. The 're-read their story very often' kind of special. 

Read their little chat to see why. :)

Jeff (*bowing his big head in a respectful nod complemented by a fang-gleaming full-on grin*): 'Skye, Ilyas... Welcome to my den. I am very happy to have you here. Please do come in and make yourselves at home. There's food and good mead waiting and I do hope you'll find them to your liking.' 

Skye: *staring with wide, delighted, preposterously fearless eyes* Hello Jeff. I'm Skye. My what pretty scales you have. Do you like having them polished? There's a giant pangolinkin I know in Palm who LOVES sand baths. Oh! was that rude? Sorry. I hope that wasn't rude. 

Jeff: * with an even wider grin* Thank you Skye. I have them rubbed down once in a while with a special oil. But I've never had a sand bath until now. Wonder if that would make them gleam more. Oh! *suddenly a tad contrite* Do I have to call you 'Your Highness'? You are a Queen after all. 

Skye: *winces* please, please don't. I'm just Skye. And this is Ilyas. He doesn't talk much, but usually has very strong opinions about things. *pokes Ilyas* Right? 

*Ilyas grunts* Strong opinions is one way of putting it, Mouse. *The Winged Vine Faerie nods to Jeff* it is good to meet you Jeff. 

With no further ado, Jeff leads his guests into the dining room and bids them have a seat at a dragon-sized table laden with food. A feast for a small army if we're to be honest.

Jeff: *Gently nudging Skye's shoulder with his snout.* I do hope this is to your liking. If you wish for something else do let me know please and I'll have it fetched for you this instant. Ilyas... the same goes for you too. 

Skye: *eyes wide and mouth forming an O* This is AMAZING. I want to try all of it. Void Above, it's a feast. *Makes a b-line for the food, grabs a teacake, stuffs it in her mouth, then hops up onto a giant chair as though this were the most normal thing in the world.* This is so good! Thank you, Jeff.

After the weeks we've had, it is appreciated... Ilyas trails off and then sighs as Skye starts to gorge herself ...i would apologize for her manners, but the wolves that raised her were not aware of them.

Jeff: *Gifting Skye a wide draconian grin followed by a reproachful stare in Ilyias's direction.* I am content this is to your liking. Now could we start with you telling our readers a little bit about yourselves? 

Skye: Sure! I'm a Faerie Queen, though please don't spread that around. As this grouch mentioned, I was raised by wolves. Well, wolfkin, since they are fair folk and can talk. They are actually really sweet once you get over the teeth and the growling, much like Ilyas. I don't remember much about my life before the age of ten, and somewhere along the way I seem to have lost all my magic, but honestly, I think I'm happier this way. There's plenty of magic in the world without extra, and too much magic draws unwanted attention. I've lived most of my life among the fair folk, so people think me very odd, but I think they're odd too, so it's a fair trade off. 

Jeff: *sharing a conspiratorial look with Skye not even bothering to hide his amusement.* He does resemble a wolf or a dragon with that snarly attitude of his. And how about you Ilyias? 

*for his part, Ilyas shifts uncomfortably. After a moment, he takes a deep breath* I am Ilyas of Vine, known as the Oathbreaker, and the Silver Shade of the Mad Queen Maevian Oriset... Since her death, I have preferred to live in isolation with a few books and relative peace and quiet until SOMEONE had to ruin it. *He hesitates briefly before reaching out and brushing his fingers against Skye's hand affectionately* 

Jeff: *giving the couple an affectionate glance* How exactly did the two of you meet?

Skye: I borrowed some of his food. He decided to get grumpy about it. 

Ilyas: She means stole. 

Jeff: *not even bothering to hide his grin.* Still grumpy about it I see, Ilyas. Starting from there, it was all a wild flight. You were chased by humans and feral Fae alike, hunted by both, as well as your own kind, and even almost lynched. What was the worst part of it all? 

Skye: *shuddering* I don't like being around other people, so that was really hard. Especially since they were expecting me to lead. One of the villagers we were besieged with really hated me too, and did some pretty terrible things. But I think the worst part of it was feeling like I might loose Ilyas before I ever got a chance to really get to know him. 

Ilyas: in general, being stuck around so many people. The Ferals were a threat, but one that could be dealt with given enough time. But being confined in a cave with the remains of a village... *Ilyas' wings tighten against his back* 

Jeff: *rapidly changing the subject* And how about the best? What was the best part of your wild adventure? I mean, some good must have come out of it too, right? Hunting and killing aside. 

*a small smile forms on Ilyas' lips, though it is the only sign in his face of whatever it is he is feeling* One might say that the Soulbond between Skye and I was not as bad of a thing as either of us thought in the beginning. 

Skye: *blushes bright red and mumbles something unintelligible, while glancing over at Ilyas* Yeah, that. It was also great getting to feel like I was part of a team. I've never had that before. And meeting Mycellica! They are one of my best friends after everything that happened. If not for Mycellica, I don't think Ilyas and I would have actually given each other a chance. 

If they ever imply you own me though... *Ilyas grumbles* 

Skye: nah, I just own some of your stuff. You know, the things I 'borrowed' *grins* 

'Ah! The Soulbond!' Jeff exclaims nodding his big head.* - Could you tell me a little bit about it? What is it's purpose and how does it manifest? 

*Ilyas waits to see if Skye will answer... When she doesn't, he sighs.* the Soulbond is something that happens at a Faerie King or Queen's birth, up to nine High Fae are bound to that Ruler. Each Bonded has a job that they are to do to assist their King or Queen in their rule over a portion of the Mountain Fell. 

Jeff, scratching his jaw with a finely trimmed claw: I see... But then, neither of you wanted this Soulbond and yet you ended up saddled with it. How did you feel about that in the beginning? 

Skye: bloody terrified. He's super powerful and I have no magic at all. Plus, all I wanted was to avoid notice. Nothing like a large, winged, growling Faerie attached to you to draw attention. 

Ilyas: It is ironic that even though I was furious at you for Soulbonding me, i was terrified you would end up treating me like Maevian had. 

So I take it you didn't particularly like each other much in the beginning. What was your first impression of each other? And be honest please. I want all grubby scales out in the sun. 

*Ilyas didn't need to think about it.* a thief, useless sack of grain, and bossy. 

Skye: obstinant, rude, and overbearing. He didn't even let me get a word in edgewise for the first day or so. 

Jeff: *harrumphing* I see... But then, what made you reconsider? When did resentment and disdain turn into respect, affection... and love? 

Skye: *blushing* about when we started working together instead of against each other. When I found out how horrible his last Queen had been, I was able to more easily forgive the grumpyness and start seeing the man underneath. He's really very smart, and thinks quite deeply about things. I admire that, even if sometimes it comes back to bite me. I don't usually think through my actions enough. 

Ilyas: it is the same for me... Though there was a certain promise she made to me that was the moment one would say 'sealed the deal'. 

Jeff: Speaking about the last Queen... *hesitantly and practically shoving his snout into Ilyas' face* I don't mean to pry Ilyas, but... could you tell me a little more about that Oathbreaker part? 

*Ilyas' wings twitched and he met Jeff's gaze. Silver eyes held no emotion as he spoke.* Maevian raped and tortured me until I agreed to surrender myself to an Earthbond. Those must be entered into willingly, swearing an Oath tied by the Land to a Faerie King or Queen. At the end of her war, after centuries of slaughter and abuse, it fought through the Earthbond and strangled her. 

Jeff, rapidly pulling his head back tries to not so subtly change the topic: You are not eating. Is my offering unsatisfactory? Shall I have something else fetched for you? 

Skye: you really should eat. Eating helps bad memories go away. probably how I lost mine *smiles and pats the seat next to her* 

Jeff: Yes. Please Ilyas. Do eat. And tell me a little about the magic. Magic is wondrous in your place. I'd love to know more about it? 

*Glancing between the Dragon and his Queen, Ilyas sighs* ok. *The Winged Faerie picks up a goblet of water and takes a sip. Sitting next to Skye, one of his large, feathered wings wraps around her shoulders.* to put it simply, every Faerie, High or of the Fair Folk with few exceptions, can use magic. Essence fills every one and every thing. For the High Faeries, our magic is tied to the Land of our birth, and all Lands that border it. Each of the Nine Lands has a different power that those Fae are strong in. For example, as I am born on Vine, we are bordered by Palm and Grass on either side, and Herb below on the Mountain. Vine's magic is that of enhancing ones physical prowess and senses, Grass' magic is shapeshifting, Palm's is elemental control, and Herb's power is that of forming protective wards. I can utilize the magics of those Lands, but not one that does not border Vine. 

Skye: I, on the other hand, have zilch. But if I could find my magic, I'd be able to create illusions, wards, control plants, shapeshift, and use mind magic. I'd LOVE to be able to make illusions most of all. it would be great for storytelling! 

A Faerie Queen with no magic and her Soulbound Lord Heart who's ... how did the little one put it... good at stabbing things. *grin* The two of you are one of my favourite couples ever! Yes, your grumpiness included Ilyas. It's only fitting for brooding scarred heroes to be grumpy. It gives them a certain charm. And I was wondering, if it's not rude to ask.... I would love to know.... What do you like best in each other? And what rubs your scales the wrong way? About each other that is. 

Skye: *glancing over at Ilyas with a small smile* I like that he challenges me to be better, without judging me for who I am. I am also deeply honored that he chose to trust me after everything that happened. It means the world. 

*Ilyas looks back at Skye, meeting and holding her gaze. He returns her smile, though small and it never touches his eyes.* Skye's wild antics are both going to get me killed and refreshing... *he seems to struggle for a moment before stating* but it is that she is a breath of fresh air and new life where everything had been barren. Though I do wish she would stop 'borrowing' my things without asking. 

Skye: And I could do with fewer inspirational book quotes and threats to Mycellica 

Jeff: What should readers expect if they decide to give a try to your tale? 

Ilyas: our story does not pull any punches. It deals with complex and deep issues, and not all of them are easily resolved. To quote the Oaken Sage's 'Healer's Heart', 'A physical wound heal with time or magical might, but it is the scars to the heart that may never stop weeping'. 

Skye: there are also tons of amazing faeries of all types. The fair folk are eclectic and charming, and I think you'll love them. Plus Ilyas is an awesome fighter, and watching him battle against overwhelming odds is exciting (and terrifying). And needless to say, there are also some very unexpected kissy bits. *turns bright red* 

Ilyas *takes a sip of his water* you weren't complaining about the kissing bits. 

Jeff: Your adventures did end a bit abruptly at the end of book 1. Do you know when we can get to read what happens next? 

Ilyas: you will have to wait for what happens next for Skye and I. There are other High Fae who are also important and need to have their stories shared. 

Skye: but we promise you'll get a glimpse of us at the end of Book 2: A Peddler of Chains. It follows Willow, Ilyas's old enemy-turned-ally from the War, as he hunts down someone he thinks is Asherah, who taught Ilyas to fight and was Soulbonded to the Mad Queen. It's going to be a really exciting story, and full of twists and turns. I can't wait for you to read it. 

Jeff: I am looking forward to it. But, is there anything in particular you two are looking forward to in your next adventures? 

Skye: Well, after Peddler, you'll get the story of the Bonded I lost and can't remember, as well as getting to peek into the life of Ilyas's son Ashan, and the Silver-Eyed Queen he's been training to take over the Mountain. That's where the story comes back to us, though. In book 4 we're going to have to deal with being wrapped up in the very center of High Fae society, and there will be a mystery to uncover in the Court of Flower. What I'm looking forward to the most, however, is getting to know some new Bonded, and getting some time with Ilyas without Feral Fae breathing down our necks. That.... and I might get to find out more about my past. 

Ilyas: getting to spend time with Skye is nice... Though it is exciting and disconcerting that I might get to meet my former trainer... But what I am excited is to finally be able to claim the debt a certain Faerie from Lichen owes... 

Jeff: I'd sure love to read about that. 

No more questions were asked during this encounter. That is... none that Jeff would spill the beans about. :D

Good food and fine mead were shared and even Ilyas ended up feeling quite at home. We suspect he also got over his disappointment of not being able to measure his strength to that of Jeff in the end. But then, that might have been due to Skye who openly declared she was 'tired of seeing him fight bigger, stronger opponents. She'd had enough heart attacks for one year."

With a heartfelt:

Thank you so much for dropping by my den. Our little chat was delightful! And you must promise to come again some time.  

Our Jeff bid his guests goodbye and is looking forward to meeting them again after a few more volumes.

About A Bond of Thread

Enter the Nine Lands of the Mountain Fell. 

Skye has only ever known pain and solitude since waking up with neither memories or magic. Hunted for being a Ruler in a time when they are scarce, she has survived in the wilds near the Rim, always on the run from the rest of her kind. Only starvation could draw her close to a village, but when a chance encounter and a bit of bad luck launch her into the arms of a man whose soul is bonded to hers, hiding who she is may no longer be possible. 

Ilyas is a hunted man. Wanted for killing the last High Queen of Vine, he is plagued by his past of wholesale slaughter. He never wanted another Queen, and certainly not a half-feral, distrustful girl who gave up on the Fae a long time ago. Unfortunately, Soulbonds are not so easily walked away from, no matter how hard they both may want to, especially when trapped together in a cave with a pack of Feral Fae right outside. 

With long-held enmities breaking out between the besieged villagers and all their lives on the line, Ilyas and Skye must learn to work together and trust each other if they want to survive.

About the author: Allegra Pescatore

Born in a small Italian village, I went on a quest around the world and have finally settled into a magical cottage in PA. I write a lot, and I read a lot. Love all fantasy and sci-fi, especially if it features diverse characters or authors.

You can find her over at https://www.authorallegra.com/

About the author: J.P. Burnison

Details to follow soon. For now he's gone someplace with Ilyas. Skye wouldn't even tell Jeff where.
