Book Review: Veritas

Posted on  21/08/2024 11:53:53

Veritas by M.J. Vieira

My rating: 5 dark fallen stars!

Step out of the light and into the truth.
I wanted to get my hands on this ever since reading Lux so I grabbed it as soon as I could.

Was it everything I had expected? Yes and No.
Yes, because it was even better than book 1.
No, because I sure as hell did NOT see that coming!

Malum has been defeated but the real war has just begun. Both the Luxians and the Rebels are now leaderless and chaos reigns. Someone is taking children from the Rebel tribes while the Luxians starve in the streets. Jade finds herself, at Onyx's side, in the midst of an ancient war and must make peace with the very people she swore to destroy.

Now let me start with the plot. It was, for lack of a better description... completely unexpected, bloody, dark as hell, and jam-packed with kick-ass action.
The religion and gods - downright brilliant! I don't think I've ever read anything as original as this! I cannot go into it within my review because it would spoil the surprise, but trust me when I say this: You will not see it coming either.

Vieira paints a dark, bloody and brilliant picture of a world full of legendary creatures, gods and angels and... something in between.

When you spend a life-time hunting for the hidden, you expect the unexpected. The unexpected in this case took both Jade and me by surprise. And I loved it!

When finding out the truth about her past, Jade struggles to cope. And Veritas is just as much Jade's story, as that of the rebel's revolution and the ancient beings' war.

Hell has come to my home. It is not a physical place, but one that rests within. Hell is not pitchforks and dancing demons. It is knowing her love has been revoked. It is being truly utterly alone.
Despite having Onyx by her side, Jade is lonely. Onyx won't or can't help. So Jade needs to not only find out for herself what she really is, but also come to terms with it.
'What am I, Onyx? What exactly am I?'
'You are you.'
But what am I really? Predator or prey?...

Her inner struggle is masterfully described! Just as the feelings of Onyx.

Vieira did a brilliant job in portraying two dangerous predators in human form. From the usual day-to-day interactions to burning desire and hot sex! Everything practically sings the nature of our two leads.
I loved the relationship between Onyx and Jade. From closeness and gentleness to out-of-the-blue pushes off a cliff, the two behave at times as if they're made for each other; and at others just like my favorite supernatural duo:

'Oh hell no,'I reply...I can't! I just got these fucking things! You expect me to just figure it out?'
'Oh hell yes,' he purrs.

Their fights and anger and foul moods are naturally followed by gentleness, understanding and compassion, in a perfect predatory manner that feels... just right!
Quiet at times for the sake of the other, or purposefully pushing, because that's the right thing to do, both Jade and Onyx will make you rush to their corner and cheer them on, through both their introspection and their actions.
Sometimes words don't prove anything. They only get in the way. They trip you up. Language can be tricky. People say things they don't mean and mean things they don't say. Actions speak louder than words.

Masterfully done!

This is supposed to be Jade's story, but it is that of Onyx too. And despite my love for Jade, Onyx is my favorite here!
Not only just because he sort of looks like this to me:
Male angel -

But because of the little glimpses Vieira gives us inside his tortured soul. Aaaand because I'm a sucker for those big hot broody males that show once in a while a gentleness to make you sigh. :D
What else can I say?! Onyx is F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S!!

Peppered with little saying that make a reader stop and reflect, like this:
Those we love the most always deal the deadliest weapons. The ones that cut right down to the soul.

Veritas is a book that deftly combines the best in character build-up, plot and narration. It is a fast paced read full of dark and bloody scenes, as well as pain and suffering interwoven with an internal struggle that will leave you reeling. The light is not there as much here, within the truth, but I've got to hand it down to this author - her darkness makes for a first class read!

The only thing I have to complain about here is that damn cliffhanger. Because... where is the rest?! I need that sequel!!

The Veritas series is a must read for all dark fantasy lovers! I highly recommend it. If you're not afraid of the darkness, take a leap of faith and give this a try! And who knows, you may end up loving it just as much as I did.

Courage is knowing you're afraid and continuing on anyway.
May you have the courage to follow your own truth, especially if it takes you out of the light.

Check out this book and more of M.J. Vieira here