Book Review: The Tether

Posted on  06/05/2020 04:36:13

The Tether by Ash, Julia

My rating: 5 dark stars

for an unexpected and incredibly imaginative sequel.

Love can change hearts. Can cause beings to act in contrary ways to protect those whom they love. History shows light can turn to darkness. Angels can fall.

Nine years have passed since Ruby had been turned into a vampire and despite being humanity's saviour, she still can't really get used to her vampiric state. You'd think that as time had passed, she would have embraced her new existence. And yet, the longer Ruby was a vampire, the more she struggled with looking, acting and feeling human. And the more the distance between her and Clay grew.
And taking into account the fact that Clay and their little daughter Gaby were Ruby's life, that is something that doesn't fall quite right with Ruby.
Bottom line: vampirism sucked.
And all Ruby could do was try her best to adjust, hoping and praying for an as normal as possible, peaceful life.
But we all know that,
As much as we believe, we don't always get what we ask for.

And Ruby will have to face a challenge greater than any of those in her past. Because, something was coming... Something that gravely endangers not only Ruby's family but humanity as a whole.

When a dream-like visitor claiming to be an immortal vampire queen contacts Ruby vouching she knows the source of her unique blood: blood that saved humankind from a bioweapon and also enabled Ruby to become the government’s warrior against ZOM-B.... Ruby can't help finding it all a bit surreal.
A queen, an evil king, a faraway planet, a warning.
More than enough to have her locked away in a psychiatric ward if she wasn't careful.

And that warning she receives:
You must embrace your gifts and defeat him. Before our worlds collide.
is not the only thing sending shivers down Ruby's spine.

As it turns out, one of Ruby’s blood donors is the King of Darkness. An ancient vampire with unfathomable powers. And he has already set his sights on a new blood source: humans on Earth.

The stakes are now higher than ever before and Ruby is caught in a game of cat and mouse with the most powerful adversary she had ever encountered.
She must either embrace her vampiric state and learn to use all the gifts that come with it, or loose everything she holds dear.

I would have never imagined the sequel of an apocalyptic thriller to head down this route - alien vampires, prophecies and lots of other pretty cool fantasy concepts, like 'sculpting' or 'whispering'. And if you had told me about it, my reaction would have been a clear cut: No Way!! This won't work at all!!
Except that it did!

Julia Ash pulled it like a charm. Using a blend of genres, from apocalyptic thriller to sci-fi, myth and fantasy, she seamlessly weaves them together creating a unique and fabulous tale in which everything connects and falls into rhythm perfectly. The evil king is the perfect adversary for Ruby, leveling out the scales and upping the game.

And yet, he wasn't the worst character here. That award goes to Emory Bradshaw, the despicable scientist we've met in The One and Only. I swear that creep made all my hackles rise and saying that I wish he would rot in the seventh circle of hell, is a huge understatement. With him, this author created one heck of character to absolutely hate! Kudos for that!

The Tether is a lot more fast-paced then its predecessor. The writing is stronger, just as the characters. Ruby and her daughter did seem to come into their powers a little bit too easy, and a part towards the end did come off as a bit too much. And yet, I couldn't set this down.
The pace was relentless, the story amazingly imaginative and downright addictive.
And the characters ... AWESOME!
Do note that I'm not talking only about the major ones here. The supporting characters were all just as meticulously crafted. Each and every one of them with little quirks and distinct personalities that made them downright memorable. My favorites were Neviah Bain and Atea. Because I love a quirky and strong woman, even when she appears only in a secondary role.

I loved Ruby, as well as her daughter and her husband. And the relationship between them has been written so well, that you cannot help but connect to each and every one of them.
The difficulties between a human husband and a super powerful vampire wife, as well as those set on the shoulders of a little girl, were wonderfully described and I couldn't help but empathize.

The moral dilemmas were another highlight for me here.

Every act, every thought, every word carries the weight of consequences.

Would it be right to deny the use of your blood when that could save a life? Would it be right to turn the scales and turn the predator into prey for humanity's benefit? Where do you draw the line and how do you decide, what is right and wrong?

All in all, this was an original and totally unexpected fantastic adventure; incredibly imaginative, gripping and addictive and I am looking forward to the sequel.

If you're in a mood for a fresh and original read full of edge of the seat adventure and fabulous characters, pick this series up.
I guarantee you won't regret it.

Check out this book and more of Julia Ash over at

Julia Ash - 2020-05-06 04:36:13

Aw, thank you, Laura :) That means so much to me!!!

Laura Dragonchild - 2020-05-04 16:21:35

Thank you so much Julia! Your books are fabulous!!!

Julia Ash - 2020-05-02 18:38:32

Thank you so much for this FABULOUS review, Laura!!!I am absolutely thrilled you loved The Tether. And I am in awe of how you capture the most important aspects of my books!!! Truly appreciated!!!