Book Review: The Spires of Dasny: Dragon Riders School

Posted on  04/12/2020 20:06:12

The Spires of Dasny: Dragon Riders School by Cheryl Rush Cowperthwait

My rating: 5 soaring stars

If you love dragons, this is a MUST READ!

Because of an irresistible tale and dragons that will make you want to soar.

The Spires of Dasny gives you dragons unlike any others. They are both wise and strong but also fun and caring and absolutely charming.

"We dragons aren't all thunder and fire, I would have you know."

And I confess, I couldn't help but fall in love with them.

The night when rogue knights killed her family and torched the town, Seyra fled, scrambling up the Spires of Dasny, even though she knew those once were a haven for dragons and the old Dragon Riders School. Seyra had been taught the stories of the dragons, of the days long ago when they ruled the sky and searched for their riders, but nothing prepared her for the moment she woke up in a deep, dark cavern, with a huge black dragon laying next to her. And even that pales next to the revelation that Seyra is the dragon's destined rider.

'Kizmeht.' Destiny or fate. Dreyth, the black dragon, and Seyra are 'Jedahn.' One in the language of dragons. And together they must set out to not only restore Dreyth to his rightful place as 'Brula'r,' King of dragons, but also prevent a war. If Seyra is brave enough to accept her new role as First Dragon Rider. And if her sharp tongue doesn't drive Dreyth away first. Because Seyra seems to put her boot in her own mouth more times than not.
She knows it
"Why do I always have to spit out my words before I learn to tame them?"
And is terrified she may drive Dreyth away. But she is determined to do better and I swear my heart broke a little bit for her while she was silently sobbing and chanting:
"I'll be good. I'll be good. I'll be good."
cradled under a dragon's warm wing.

Why would Dreyth be so kind to her when she keeps pushing him away?

"It is because I know what you can be."

Three dragon riders and a prophecy about "The Blind, the Healer and the Magician". A plot to overthrow a dragon King and a terrible danger threatening dragons and humans alike. Secrets, intrigue, daring rescues, and a few stupid decisions too... :D Dragon rider training and fierce dragon battles. This book has it all. Complete with little life lessons anyone would do good to heed.

But what I loved the most were the dragons themselves, and the bond with their riders.

I swear the dragons will make your heart melt!
When their muzzles open in wide toothy grins.

When they become outraged at one of their own and snort something like: "What an arrogant wasted mass of dragon flesh."

When they try to make the others pause and listen for a bit:
"... hold your forked tongues and give me a moment to bring our riders up to flame. .... This will be a story at least as long as my tail and I need you to listen."

When they are proud and content:
'His purr of contentment rumbles through my head. "Yes, it's fine to brag on me, after all I am a prime example of dragonhood."
And I admit I had to wonder too, just like Seyra there, if that was even a word. :)

But most of all, when those dragons are happy and may even look like enormous colorful dogs, with tongues lolling out of grinning muzzles and tails moving unceasingly.

Unlike any other dragons. Unique and absolutely charming. And now I want my own!!!

Then we have the bond. A dragon's bond with his rider.

It's so hard to express the feeling of freedom, love and trust one feels when skipping across the sky on the back of a dragon. The deepening of a bond when the rider gets to feel his dragon's raw pain, as if stepping inside his wound. Or the 'feeling' behind a roar... a sensation more than a word that perfectly expresses a blend of completeness and home.

And yet, this author here manages to make us feel it all! Beautifully done.

Dragon and rider enhance and complement each other in this tale, until the rider feels like an extension of the dragon. And they are always greater together than apart. Their care and love for each other feels so genuine and heartfelt...

"I only want to give her all that I am so she can be all that she is."

I fell in love with Dreyth and Seyra, as well as little blind Elky and her Ustice. But really. How could I not?!

Bottomline, 'cause I already held you too much... The Spires of Dasny is a vivid, fun, adventurous, enchanting and full of heart tale that is bound to appeal to each and every dragon fan out there.
As far as I'm concerned, Dreyth is now officially in second place on my all-time favorite dragons top five, right under Ruth, and above Saphira. And I'm looking forward to more of their adventures.

If you love dragons, grab this book here. It is a MUST READ!

Even my Bookdragon Jeff agrees. This one's a keeper.

You can see him reading here. :D

Check out this book and more of Cheryl Rush Cowperthwait here.

- 2020-12-04 20:06:12

Thank you for the stellar review!