Book Review: The Siren Depths

Posted on  20/08/2024 13:51:21

The Siren Depths by Martha Wells

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 lovely stars!!
This is one book that brought tears to my eyes not only once, because it is so tender and emotional!

Told in an easy rythm and a gripping pace, Moon's tale will have you ride an emotional rollecoaster this time around. And you'll probably do it at the edge of your seat biting your nails!

Moon has to go home. After such a long time spent alone he finds out he has a family that wants him back. He is forced to leave Jade and answer the call of his mother.

And yes, I did ask myself also:
"I do not understand how they can take a man away from his wife when he does not wish to be parted from her. Especially when his wife has such big teeth and claws."

In case you're wondering about that too, Moon provided the answer. "My birthqueen has bigger teeth and claws"

Stubborn Moon, who you can't even argue with because that would be like arguing with a rock needs to find his place among the ranks of his birthcourt but that would require a certain amonunt of trust. Trust he finds it difficult to grant.

This part of his journey is my favourite so far.

Check out this book and more by Martha Wells on