Book Review: The Old Mine

Posted on  21/03/2020 09:05:48

The Old Mine by Billman D. Misty

My rating: 4.5 dark stars

Four decades have passed from Hisime's ordeal in the Pit her tormentors have thrown her into.
She is now Ambassador Hisime Ara Kirmedhel and has somewhat learned how to live with her new abilities - an unwanted side effect of the toxines she had been submitted to during her confinement. Her new title, alongside her glowing eyes and mastery of the sword intimidate human rangers to such an extent that half of them can't even look at her while the other half bow down and grovel at her feet.

And yet, the past doesn't let Hisime go. She should be happy and content since she is riding at her brother's side. But Commander Calabmore Ta'ie Kirmeren has a new right hand man. One that makes Hisime's skin crawl whenever he is near. One she would rather kill in his sleep than ride alongside with. 

And if you hadn't guessed it yet, it is her old tormentor Narnim.

Calabmore vouches the man has changed. He had appologised profusely after all and hasn't even said one wrong word or set one toe out of place since joining the rangers under Calabmore's protection. And yet, I must confess I took Hisime's side in this and kept asking myself the same question: How could Calabmore do this?!

Instead of killing Narnim after her ordeal, Calabmore became his guardian and made sure nothing happened to him.
And yes! Just like Hisime, I found it outrageous. To the point that I got pissed and started to mutter because 'it's just NOT right' for crying out loud!!

But then the explanation came. And I couldn't help but admire it and agree. I'm not gonna spoil and breathe a single word about what it was. You're gonna have to read this to find out. But I will tell you this! It was pure genius and true human nature! Real and natural, despite its unpleasantness and unfairness! Kudos to the author for pulling this off like a charm!

But back to the story because I disgress. :D
Supllies start dissapearing from Calabmore's troops. Up to the point where they need to take a daring and absolutely dangerous path to reach the nearest ranger outpost and prevent the men from starving.

But the fastest route takes them through the old mines in the Eden Mountains - Where Hisime's parents were killed by Orcs.
The safest route by far is by a ferry, but they may run out supplies before they reach their destination. So the mines are chosen as a last resort.
For Hisime, the Orc-infested mines that claimed the lives of her parents are a nightmare come true. Because they come so close to the dreaded Pit she vowed to never again let herself get caught in.

But ruthless Orcs and old lingering fears and nightmares are not the only things that await Hisime this time. She will have to face all of these and more!

Fast paced and full of twists and turns you simply don't see coming, this third installment in the Hisime Ara Chronicles is a real page turner that will have you hooked from the very first page.

And the end... I am not sure what to think about that. Not sure whether to cheer for, or be horrified by what Hisime has become. And her new powers have nothing to do with my indecision.

Hisime has turned into a complex characters whose development I'll be looking forward to in the next instalment.

Check out this book and more of Misty D. Billman over at 