Book Review: The Lightning Conjurer: The Enlightening

Posted on  21/08/2024 11:39:22

The Lightning Conjurer: The Enlightening by Rachel Rener

My rating: 5 daring stars for your friendly neighbourhood Pentamancer!!

"Those who don't believe in magic will never find it."- Roald Dahl

I dived into this as soon as I finished The Lightning Conjurer: The Awakening and the story picked up immediately after Aspen and Aiden's narrow escape from Savannah and her Asterian thugs.

Aspen has finally unearthed a clue to her forgotten past: a small brass key and a handwritten note that says 'Start here'. With nothing but her resolve – and Aiden’s silver lighter – Aspen sets forth on a solo cross-country journey on her grandfather's bike, intent on finding answers, as well as the place her mother is held. Because that much is at least sure: that she is alive and being held prisoner.
'biker babes wallpaper' - - Looks like Aspen to me!! :)

Aiden on the other hand, is on his own mission to find his missing sister, and he starts off on a different journey, accompanied by Robert and Aspen's Grandma. And if you haven't already grown to love these two in the previous book, I'll guarantee you will now.

Especially Grandma Evelyn! You just... can't not love her when you read the angry texts she sends after hearing what The Asterian Order did to Aspen!
Here's a little excerpt so you can see for yourselves:
'I'm so angry I could just march right in there myself and give those godday Asteroids... Asterisks... Asterians!… a piece of my mind. Im sorry for the obscenities sweetheart. Im just so angry and worried.'

Or when you get to know the way she chides her granddaughter for not keeping in touch:
'You just careen off into the sunset with that two-wheeled death machine, and then what? You don't call, you don't write-'
only to end her message with a simple:
'I love you to the moon and back.'

And that is by far not all that makes her such a fabulous character. As for what that extra is.... you're gonna have to read this to find out! :D

For Aspen, things begin to unravel quickly on the open road, as she soon realizes that her biggest challenge on her trip won’t be making it to California in one piece, but keeping her growing powers in check… a feat that’s proving harder and harder to manage. If she isn't careful, she'll end up leaving a trail of exploded lightbulbs leading directly to her.

Moreover, ghosts from Aspen’s past come back to haunt her, painful secrets that Aiden has been harboring come to light, and deep-rooted family conflicts threaten to tear their bond apart.
Add in a daring jailbreak attempt to the mix; as well as the realisation that neither Aspen nor Aiden will be able to get their loved ones out of confinement by themselves and there you go. The perfect mix for a real page turner that you won't be able to set down!

'All choices have consequences... some graver than others.'

This second installment of the Lighting Conjurer series is all about choices. Aiden's but most of all Aspen's.
Will she be wise and prudent, or act on instinct throwing caution to the wind? Will she allow the past to tear her future down or stand straight and brave the consequences? All tough choices to make, especially since family is involved.

Family... What a strange and beautiful word. Something that Aspen had never known - or more exactly, doesn't remember. A family is all that Aspen's wishing for now, and she's determined to do everything in her power to get it.

I loved Aspen's growth as a character. From the little frightened rabbit running at every bad look and defending herself with a frying pan, to the new still scared but totally determined young woman. I loved her insecurities and the way she struggled to fit the shattered pieces of her life together into this new awarded role of Pentamancer.
'Rowan... Rose... Aspen... I don't know who I am anymore.'
'You are all of those people and none of those people.'

She is, after all, your friendly neighbourhood Pentamancer. :D

Pentamancer symbol -

A fast paced fantasy adventure with just the right amount of fun, mystery and romance to keep you glued to the pages till the very end and make you dive into the sequel straight after! This second installment in the series was even better than book 1!!

Complex and real-feeling characters written with a remarkable insight into human nature and emotion! Masterfully done!
You'll just about feel the emotions in this book. Pain, sorrow and insecurity, longing and love, they practically leap of the page!
Well crafted characters intertwined with brilliant use of magic and a compelling tale!
Now this is what I call magic on a page!

So take a chance and give it a try. Because, in this case, the risk is worth taking.
As grandma Evelyn stated:
That was a stupid thing to do. I'm proud of you.

Check out this book and more of Rachel Rener over at