Book Review: The Lightning Conjurer: The Christening

Posted on  21/08/2024 11:40:28

The Lightning Conjurer: The Christening by Rachel Rener

My rating: 5 bright stars for a destiny that's a matter of choice

I don't remember the last time I set all my plans aside to read one full series, one book after another, from cover to cover. I know I did that for Harry Potter Collection as well as for The Twilight Saga, but nothing afterwards caught my attention quite the same way. Until this series here. I flew through the pages from book 1 to book 3, practically spellbound. And I wish there was more!!!

'From the time of your first gasping breath, your destiny was never up to you. Not because destiny is written in stone, but because great people are destined to do great things.'

Aspen has now been taken under the protective arm of the Magistrate and has reluctantly agreed to cooperate with the Inner Circle hoping to realize her radical visions for the Elementalist community. Everything seems well: she’s been traveling the world, rescuing cities from Terramantic temper tantrums, attending Elementalist conferences, and meeting powerful Asterian Officials around the globe. But political divisions are simmering among the Magistrate's Prelates and not everyone shares Aspen’s Utopian vision. The Magistrate’s grip on the Inner Circle is beginning to slip and Aspen finds herself thrust head first into a battle for survival, on the outcome of which rests the fate of the entire Asterian Community and much more.

Everyone tells Aspen she is the One who is supposed to fix all that's gone wrong. She is the the so-called “Prophet”, revered, admired and feared.
'You have to do what you were meant to do Rowan. If anyone can fix this broken world, you can. I can't shield you from your destiny anymore.'

Of course Aspen resents it!
'Kismet, destiny, purpose... What ever happened to free will?'
Not because she doesn't want to fight for what's right but because she's afraid.
'What if I fail?'
But since fear never held our little lightning bolt back, she will grit her teeth and jump straight into the fray.
selenada hashtag on instagram - Aspen's hand with lightning

The pace of this last book was much faster than that of the previous installments and every single thing was upped. Tension, action, mystery, fun, feeling and emotion, everything was somehow MORE! It was one hell of a ride!!

Aspen's growth as a character is amazing! Beautifully written and so complex, 'powerful, yet vulnerable. Dangerous and in danger.' A heady mix!
And she is so wonderfully complemented by a fabulous cast of secondary characters that you cannot help but love too!

Ori - sweet and funny and endearing, the lightning geek who'd make the best friend ever! Just be careful to not gift him any thesaurus. You'll probably regret it. :D
Next to Aiden, Ori is my favourite.

Eileen, Ted and Sarah, each and everyone of them is so distinct and well defined. They make a wonderful addition to the story. The interaction between them will make you tear up at times and laugh out loud at others. Because it is impossible to not get misty eyed at touching gentleness between friends; or crack up a smile as Converse snickers sail over someone's head, or hit him square for not making a fast enough exit.

We do get a bit of drama too, as well as a little competition for our Pyromancer; but Aiden is Aiden - who could stand in his way?! That man is just too good to be true!! Sweet and funny, loving and supportive, understanding and gentle... He is every girl's dream!!
I just love Aiden!!

And then there was the end! Holy Frigging Shirt!! That End!! It made me tear up and smile and feel so much!! Not perfect by all means, but just right!

This book, and series by extension is a roller-coaster ride of feelings and emotions! Gripping and addictive, it will grab you by the scruff of your neck and won't let go util you've reached the end.
I highly recommend it to all fantasy lovers out there.

You have got to read this people!
It is so so good!

Check out this book and more of Rachel Rener over at

Laura Dragonchild - 2020-03-06 20:38:06

Hi Emily. It is great! And you can order copies straight from the author's FB page. I am also holding a giveaway on the 28th and 29th of March on Instagram and this series is among the books included. Join the party at @magicbookcorner on Instagram on those days and you may even win one for free. :)

Emily Sanger - 2020-03-06 16:46:44

This book looks great I have heard great things about this book and can’t wait to read it. I just have to find a copy of the book since it is not sold in chapters