Book Review: The Frog and the Lady

Posted on  14/10/2020 16:51:58

The Frog and the Lady by Hall, Lawrence

My rating: 5 croaking stars

 for a fun filled awesome read!

What is it about?
An epic love triangle of sorts between a man, a woman, and a...frog.
No!! Not a paranormal frog that changes shape into a human, or a fantastical frog that needs a team to complete an epic quest. A normal, regular frog.

And it is hilarious! Short and sweet, a little steamy and guaranteed to make you laugh out loud!

Anderson is an Alpha male! He's sexy and smart and loaded! And he knows it! He's the man! The kind of hot hunk ladies and perhaps even men can't keep their eyes off when he goes to the gym. There's nothing that can stand in his way! Except for a pesky frog!

You see, Anderson is the kind of guy whose reaction to a little mouse will make you wonder if he's lost his marbles. The kind of guy who may have a standoff of epic proportions with a little bug. And the kind of guy who will absolutely NOT be inclined to keep a little froggy in his garden.

Until Emily that is. :D
Emily is Anderson's coworker and the kind of girl 'who wasn't much for dating. Not when she had a good book that was sitting on her shelf at home that called to her. Or a couple of books. Or a couple of hundred books. Who had time to date one man when there were so many other men available to her in the pages of her favorite novel?'
And yet, the handsome Anderson seems to have gotten under Emily's skin. Sparks fly and passion flares. with a fiery promise of more hanging in between them.
If they can get passed the trouble with the frog!

No, I'm not going to tell you what all they'll go through, but buckle in tight and get ready for a laugh out loud fun filled ride. One that may involve epic hose fights on the lawn; wielding a vacuum like a Hollywood action hero brandished an automatic weapon; and even getting nose to nose with a certain boa constrictor in a feat that would be worthy of Jim Carrey and Pipi in 'Mr Popper's Penguins.'

From the pesky frog that seems downright determined to make Anderson's life hell, to Anderson himself and his interactions with both Emily and his colleagues, everything will have you smiling, if not chuckling or laughing out loud. And then there are those yummy spicy scenes too!

Short, endearing and absolutely entertaining, The Frog and the Lady is the perfect choice if you're looking for a feel good laugh-out-loud read.

You have got to read this people!

But absolutely NOT in public! Unless you're used to those "crazy bookworm!" stares!

Check out this book and more of Lawrence Hall over at