
Book Review: Magic Clogs
Posted on 20/08/2024 15:43:19
Magic Clogs by Stjepan Varesevac Cobets
A charming little read that would look wonderful on an illustrated hardcover book.
It would make the perfect bedtime story for a little child who dreams of magic, knights and heroic deeds. Because it tells of kindness and well earned rewards, not based on fame and fortune, but on courage and a good heart.
On almost every page you get a little nudge, to be better, kinder, more honest or more brave. And the story itself is enchanting!
Deceptively simple, easy and charming! I highly recommend it to all young dreamers out there.
Sometimes, a kind heart is all it takes to unravel the strongest magic spell!
Happy reading! :)
Check out this fairy-tale and more of Stjepan Varesevac Cobets here.
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