Book Review: Four Money

Posted on  27/10/2023 16:50:32

Four Money by Jayne Rylon

My rating: 1 of 5 stars

Sometimes a girl just wants a great smutty read with drool-worthy guys and a badass FMC who doesn't need to choose between them. You know, the kind with spark and passion, to tug on all your heartstrings.
And sometimes she stumbles upon a read like this one here.

The writing was plain bad, the dialogue felt choppy, the pacing was off, and the POV switches were confusing AF most of the time.

The main characters fell just as flat as the smut, and I swear I lost count of the side cast in the first few chapters. Way too many names and unnecessary details!
And don't even get me started on the repetitions. They're more than enough to drive one up the wall.
For fuck's sake, please!! I'm neither dumb nor stupid to forget something you've already mentioned thrice just a few pages before!!

But then, this book has a lot of gushing 5 star reviews, so it might be just me.

Check out this book and more of Jayne Rylon over at
