Book Review: Fallen Angels

Posted on  22/04/2020 14:53:03

Fallen Angels by Seal, J.C.

My rating: 4.5 shining stars

for a unique and downright addictive story that masterfully blends religion, mythology and a just a touch of Science Fiction in an absolutely unexpected way.
Original, fast-paced, gripping, fascinating.

Bela is one of The Forgotten Ones. A descendant of Angels, half angel half mortal. And just like every other one of his kind, he should have had the right to get his wings when coming of age. But their heritage is considered tainted by the Full Angels, who do everything in their power to make sure they never get them. Twisting their powers, or ripping them away, thus condemning them to an eternal life on earth. One full of suffering and sorrow we might add, since most of the Forgotten Ones had been stoned, buried alive, drowned, killed by sword or spear, burned at the stake, shot or otherwise killed by scared, superstitious humans several times. After all, Half-Angel or Half-Demon - it's a mere matter of perspective.

After spending centuries of his life in solitude, Bela finally finds friendship with another outcast, just like him - Azal. And it is this friendship, and the new meaning it gives to his life, that determines Bela to create The Farm. A home not only for himself and Azal, but for every single other Forgotten One that he can find. After all, home is where your friends are, your community, your family, your heart. And Bela makes it his mission to find each and every other outcast like him and give them a home on his Farm.
With the help of Azal, the Farm grows and becomes the refuge and the home Bela always wanted to make.

But everything Bela has built is set at risk when Alec Hunt, a human investigative journalist, stumbles over their hiding place in search for a story. And yet, Bela manages to turn risk into opportunity and not only recruit Alec to his cause but also gain a trusted friend.

This newly found friendship not only allows Bela to find a lot more of his kind, but also true love and much more!
Alec's sudden disappearance sets Bela on a race against time. One in which he must both save his dear friend, convince the woman he loves to remain by his side, as well as confront the truth about his heritage and his own powers. Thrust smack down in the middle of a conflict between Guardian Angels and Demons, Bela will need to unite The Farm’s community and the Guardian Angels in an effort to thwart the Demons’ plans. And he will need to open his heart and forgive those who have wronged him. But that may not be as easy as it seems.

Written in a fast paced style, with minimum details and lots of action, this book is bound to catch any reader's attention from the very first page. It centers on the eternal fight in between good and evil, giving it a brilliant spin.
But what I loved the most about it was the feeling. Not the love between husband and wife, but that between friends and family. The bond between strangers who become family, the gentleness and the support between beings in general.

There were soft hugs, strong hugs, warm hugs, claps on the back, short hugs, long hugs. I savoured the moment reveling in the feeling of being loved, appreciated by the whole community.

I fell in love with the family of outcasts, with their gentleness and support for each other. I was amazed by the brilliant imagination of this author who created an absolutely unique and amazing tale. And yes, I sort of cracked up at hearing Angels grumble. But I bet you will too in my place. Because it's not everyday you'd hear this kind of dialogue in a conversation between angels:
"Bullshit, they just have to work harder" the big guy grumbled.
"Get a grip on yourself Shiny Boy."

And the last one came from Zeus! :D

Bottom-line, because I already held you too long, if you're ever in a mood for a fast paced read full of adventure that is also heartwarming and unique, give this one a chance and you won't be disappointed.

The only reason I'm not rating it a 5 is because of the insta love between Bela and his girl. Because I'm not a huge fan of insta love in general and this one in particular didn't sit quite well with me. But then that was just me.

Happy reading Bookdragons and remember:
There is good in every being walking the earth!

Check out this book and more of J.C. Seal over at: