Book Review: Fae Pursuit

Posted on  29/07/2020 15:34:39

Fae Pursuit by Wilson, K.L. Sarah

My rating: 5 haunting stars

for a sequel that practically twisted my heart into knots!!!
This is my favourite fae series ever - dark, twisted and yet so very beautiful; violent and deadly but also full of gentleness and enchanting!

And every time I think I've read the best in series - bam! the next book comes and sweeps me off my feet. Even more tangled and enchanted than the others.

I've fallen in love with a twisted fae and a little nightmare! And this particular part of their journey was like a dagger to my heart!

'I'd always believed we were the sum of our choices.' That's Allie Hunter's firm belief. But the choices she will be forced to make this time around are bound to make her question not only her own righteousness, but that of fae and humans alike.

Do the fae deserve to be saved too? And how about the mortals whose cruelty at times seems to surpass even that of the most twisted fae?
After all...
'That was mortals for you. They came in every shade of morality. And that made it so difficult to know what to do with them. How did you slaughter knowing there were a few noble and bright among them? How did you refrain knowing there were just as many dark and twisted?'

Choices and doubts are what Allie faces at every single corner. Should she embrace her new role of Balance, should she trust her tangled husband? So many choices with so much hanging in the balance!

Allie is now 'The Leveler. Righter of Wrongs. Destroyer of Worlds.' A position coveted in the world of the fae. Of course she doesn't want it, but the role she has unwittingly been thrust into won't be denied. Allie's only choice is to either embrace it or redeem it, but she is The Hunter and determined to stay true to her path. Save the people of her village and put an end to the war her sister had started.
And yet, how much will she be willing to sacrifice to set wrongs right? Can she find a way to save her people while fleeing the Wild Hunt and fighting against a magic that seeks to control her?
It's still just one mortal girl against the Faewald, but now the stakes couldn't be higher.

Hunted by the fae who covet her new role, as well as by the humans who want to turn her into a tool, Allie can rely on only her wits and, perhaps, her fae husband.
'Friend, ally, husband, betrayer and captor,' Scouvrel is hell bent on not leaving Allie's side. And their connection deepens and evolves, turning into one of the deepest and most tangled relationships I've ever encountered. Dark and mesmerizing, stunningly beautiful and amazingly cruel.

“Why do you call me Nightmare?”
“Because you haunt my dreams and make it impossible to sleep. Because you’ve ruined my happiness and made my life a torturous hell.”
“How endearing.”
“How inspiring,” he breathed.
There was only a whisper of air between our lips. He closed the gap, his lips so soft, so respectful – almost worshipful – as he kissed me.
“I would not ask for freedom from your torture. I’ve come to embrace the delicious agony of you. I seek it out, like plunging a knife into my own heart.”

Scouvrel is a contradiction who cannot be trusted. And yet Allie finds herself getting more and more ensnared by his charms.

Could it be possible to become tangled up with another person so that you could no longer tell what was hurting them and what was hurting you?

This time around, Scouvrel's anguish and longing is enough to break a heart!

Dearest Nightmare, you will shatter me. You will destroy me. You will break every shard of me and crush it to powder.

Just as the bond between him and Allie!

"Show me where to go and what to do. Be my ally again. Don't tell me this is the last time. Don't tell me we are enemies and opponents fated to destroy each other...."
"Stop asking for the impossible Nightmare. Haunt me all you want. Haunt me until food becomes tasteless and wine less heady than water, but do not torture me with hope.

Damn! This is one tale that will sweep you off your feet and have your heart leap into your throat!

Just as fast paced as it's predecessors, this installment in the Tangled Fae series is even more gripping and addictive. The setting is just as exquisitely twisted and amazingly beautiful. The story flows like a movie and the characters are so wonderfully fleshed out by now that you cannot help but adore them. And don't even let me get started with the messages between the lines. Those are downright brilliant!

If you are also a fan of all things Faerie!
I bet you'll also love it just as much as I did!

Happy reading Bookdragons!
and always remember to sometimes:
"Trust the untrustworthy.
Follow the blind.
Give that most precious.
Be bold and kind."

Check out this book and more of Sarah K.L. Wilson over at