Book Review: Different, Not Damaged

Posted on  21/08/2024 12:09:30

Different, Not Damaged by Andy Peloquin

My rating: 4 badass stars for Strength and Courage!

This is my first book by Andy Peloquin and it will definitely NOT be my last.
It was recommended to me in the Indie Fantasy Addicts FB group, during my search for broken hero books and now I regret not knowing about it sooner. Because it was exceptional!

Why exactly you are asking?
I really don't know if I'll be able to properly explain.

But I'll give it my best shot so, let's get started

Different, Not Damaged is a collection of short stories taking place in the world of Voramis. A fantasy world that is surprisingly like our own in certain aspects and completely different in others. A cruel world where life is cheap, while blood and pain abound.
All the stories have something in common. Broken heroes. Disabled individuals suffering from different impairments or mental disorders. And their purpose is beautifully explained by the author himself in the foreword.

"That's the purpose of this collection of stories: to showcase physical, emotional, mental, and neurological disorders through a fantasy lens and bring them to light. By reading these short stories, you can understand more about what it means to live with these disabilities.

Everything in this book is real. Sure, the stories are fantastical (it's fantasy after all!), but the emotions, the feelings, the impairments and limitations are all based on the experiences of real life people. They've allowed me to use their stories to showcase what it means to live with disorders: our bodies, minds or psyches may not be the same as yours, but that only makes us different, not damaged."

In Strength and Courage we get to feel the anguish of a soldier fighting for courage in the face of fear.
In Paint a Black Picture we get to experience the frustration of a voiceless child painting visions of death.
The Goddess' Gift gives us the inner torment of a priestess divinely empowered to absorb others' pain
And At Any Cost will make you feel the guilt of a thief desperate to escape the burden of his memories

Two bonus stories are also included
A Life for a Life - where you will meet a killer with a deadly message plagued by a burden of guilt: the feared Hunter of Voramis. Here you will have to stop and wonder who the real bad guy is.
And The Path of Vengeance where a broken warrior-priest on a mission of vengeance will make you realize the futility of an obsession.

Each of the stories is grim, dark, bloody, heartbreaking and with a compelling message. And that is not all! It get's better!

Because of the particular way in which they are told, they are bound to leave a mark.

Andy Peloquin is a brilliant writer. His deep insight into human nature, as well as profound knowledge of disabilities are accompanied by a perfectly flowing prose and exquisitely gory scenes. Fully fleshed characters having to make downright brutal choices in different yet equally compelling situations, turn this little short story collection into a compelling read.
Especially due to the callousness of the world Andy describes, because it strongly resonates with the reality we all face.

Dark, bloody, grim and gritty, this is not a book for the faint of heart, It is one for those of us who are not afraid to look inside. It is a shout for humanity to be more humane! An eye-opener for those who have failed to see.
Different, not damaged. - take note, remember, accept and understand!

This author has my full respect and admiration for his brilliant way of making us see the darker side of human nature through the filter of kick-ass fantasy.

Check out this book and more of Andy Peloquin over at: