Book Review: Cider for Harborland

Posted on  15/01/2021 20:28:57

Cider for Harborland by Evan, Michael & JMD Reid

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

'Books are the only true magic that exists in the world.'

The 4th and final book of the Cider & Ale Chronicles is by far my favorite of the series and ends it all with a bang.

Not only is it perfectly fitting for the events of 2020, the year that put our world on hold, but also a great satirical fantasy with a wonderful message.

You should only read it after the previous books in the series because Cider of Harborland is a crossover between The Alehouse Wars and Cider of Legend.

Why a crossover you ask? Well, as Michael himself put it, 'because well, crossovers are badass. Like Alien vs Predator, Jason vs. Freddy, Kirk and Picard teaming up.'

And this one here is... pretty cool stuff!

Mik'hai the sidewinder just wants a peaceful life with his wife, Leā€™thal. They want to raise their snakelings and enjoy a nice mug of cider. But he starts having these 'batshit crazy dreams' that make the quest to find the mystical cactus seem completely normal. Mik'hai sees a world of seals and walruses and a tragic calamity. The beer in Harborland has gone bad and another war brims over the precious substance.

To sort the dreams out they head over to wise old snake Ouri who, I might add, is not at all too pleased with the disturbance.
After all, the 'peabrained Idjidts can't leave an old snake to shrivel up into good tanned leather in peace.'
After Ouri determines that Mik'hai's neither crazy nor drunk and that the dreams are legit, the slithering couple - accompanied by the confounding Sandy Sam of course - set off on yet another crazy cider rescue mission. One that will lead them all the way to a snowy hellscape that's the home of the seals.

Seals they're determined to help get drunk. And find out why they're called seals.
'I mean, seals are something that seal up an item. Like an envelope or a window. They're not flipper-dogs that swim through the ocean.'

The epic crossover of the century erupts as seals and snakes come together to avert the darkness that pervades their worlds, while trying to escape being manipulated by two bearded entities who plot to ruin all the happy endings.

How it will all turn out, I'll leave that for you to find out. But I'll bet you won't see that end coming!

While Cider of Legend is an epic fantasy quest with satiric touches that beautifully juggles with both dark and humorous undertones, Cider for Harborland changes the pace and adds in a full measure of unpredictably and chaos.

Perhaps even more fast paced and entertaining than it's predecessors, this epic conclusion gives readers an insane adventure. The narrative shifts unexpectedly from linear to abstract in a perfectly ordered chaos while slowly upping the pace and delivering a startlingly unpredictable conclusion that is bound to leave a mark.

The characters are fabulous. Especially the slithering ones. And coming from me, one who absolutely dislikes snakes, that is one compliment as great as it gets!! Mik'hai and Le'thal are a pair of sidewinders anyone would love! Even a snake-hater like me!

The humor is crude and rough at times but subtle and light at others, beautifully highlighting every single theme in just the right way. And the message is even more stronger conveyed.

'The world wouldn't change if you didn't try. Maybe the change would be small, just enough to affect those directly around you, but if you did nothing, things would just stay the same, if not get worse.'

'This story has a purpose.' It's not all just fun and laughter. And that was one of the highlights of this book for me.

What matters most in life.

The small little things you can do to make a difference.

'Don't think your life doesn't matter. Even fictional lives matter because they touch the souls of the readers as well as those that write them. So long as you believe you have meaning you can change things. Maybe just for the people in our lives. Your friends and families, your neighbors and coworkers, but you have no idea how much of an impact that can be. We may not change the way the world is turning, but we can make things easier for those around us.'

The small little things to be grateful for when life unravels around you.

'It's those that can appreciate their existence, and try to find silver linings in the darkness, the ones that fight not only for themselves, but for their families, friends and communities that make it through the battle, and are better off for having fought in it.'

Sticking together when the going gets tough.

Facing the dark alone is never easy, but when you have other around you, miracles can happen. 'Ones not caused by a cactus with a dumb name.' The miracle of cooperation. The bonds of family, friendship and community that could withstand the stresses.

From family to friendship, from love to responsibility, from courage to selfishness, from fantasy tropes to writing style as well as writers themselves - you can find hints to all of this among laugh-out loud moments and epic flippered battle scenes.

Cider for Harborland is a downright memorable tale. Partly because it is appropriate for these present times, as a bearded giant put it...
'...look at f*cking 2020. Total Dystopian Sci-Fi.'

Partly because the satire and humor do not stand in the way of the seriousness of the tale.

And partly because of the message it conveys

'Bad things will always come, but until they do, enjoy the good things you have in your life. Every day is a precious gift. Don't waste it.'

Bottomline, because I held you enough, this book here is a little page turner, that will appeal to any satirical fantasy fan out there. Even snake-haters like me! :D
And you don't have to take my word on it! Just go ahead and give it a try!

Happy reading everyone
and remember!
'Every day is a precious gift. Don't waste it.'

Check out this book and more of Michael Evan and JMD Reid here and here