Book Review: Burning

Posted on  21/08/2024 12:29:22

Burning by Heidi Catherine and Tamar Sloan

My rating: 4 burning stars

An exciting prequel to a new series that promises to be in the same league with The Hunger Games.
If this introductory story is an indicator, After the Thaw could be one of those series to appease all fans of great dystopian fantasy.

fan art by The Magic Book Corner

The Earth is broken. Humanity broke it with overuse of plastic and pollution. And what's left of it struggles to survive.

Askala is a small heaven that survived.
Once known as Alaska, this land was home to frigid winters and landscapes molded by ice. What's left of it now is a temperate island covered in forests of pine.
Snow and cold weather are a fable. Something no one even remembers. Something that was supposed to have existed before. Before the fires. Before the storms. Before the loss of so many sentient lives.

Askala is isolated by a rising, toxic sea, with a single bridge connecting it to the Outlands. And only those who prove their worth are allowed to be a part of it. Because the survivors realized their past mistakes and are now determined to both salvage what's left, as well as make sure Earth is never desecrated like that again.

Outlanders are strictly forbidden to lay foot on Askala. Because they cannot be trusted to uphold the law and peace. And the Askalans need to prove themselves worthy, before being allowed to lead a normal life.

Everyone will need to pass a Proving to determine if they have the intelligence and heart to champion the future of their broken Earth. Those who succeed will become Bound, the ones chosen to breed. Those who fail, are Unbound. Free of responsibility, but robbed of their ability to bear children.

A harsh law, but the only thing ensuring both humanity's and Earth's survival.

On this background we follow the story of four teenagers: Callix, Magnus, Amity and Mercy.

Callix and Magnus are determined to uphold this new order, but life and love seem determined to set them on opposing sides.
Amity is the perfect Bound. Gentle and compassionate, she represents the best in humanity. And of course both brothers cannot help to fall for her, And fall hard. Who she will chose however, you're gonna have to read this to find out. But I tell you this. Her choice will not be an easy one.
Mercy is the girl who no one sees, but sees it all. Plain and invisible until the turning point.

A new threat to Askala emerges, one that endangers everyone's survival. Secrets are revealed. Desire sparks. Passion kindles. And finding a solution to this new peril will be the toughest thing any of the Bounds have ever tried to even consider.

Life is fragile. Love will refuse to be denied.

Sacrifice will be inevitable.

But how far will they go?

An exciting read written in an easy to follow and highly enjoyable narrative, Burning is bound to appeal to all fans of The Hunger Games and The Maze Runner. It does contain a lot of drama, as well as a few soap-opera type of moments, but it is bound to keep you glued to your seat till the very end.

Enjoyable, intriguing and with quite a few twists and turns you don't see coming, this is one of those reads that will leave you wanting more.
So go ahead and give it a try. It's free on Kindle and absolutely worth it!

Check out this book and more of Heidi Catherine and Tamar Sloan over at and