Book Review: Beauty and the Bookworm

Posted on  20/08/2024 15:57:16

Beauty and the Bookworm by Nick Pageant

My rating: 4 crazy granny stars!!

What?! Everyone here talks about the no-nos! I chose the granny instead. :D

Mason is a librarian and a certified bookworm. He spends his days from dawn to dusk with a book in his hand. And everyone knows there is a problem with reading too much. Somewhere, along the way, Mason stopped living in the real world.
I expected happily ever after out of every situation and when I didn't get it, I'd just read another book. I finally decided somewhere along the way that people are disappointing. It's true, people suck, especially if you never give them a chance.

As I was saying, Mason is a bookworm, perfectly content with his job of librarian, because you know... lots of books!! He is gay and lives with his granny.

Now you have got to love Gran!
Let's get things straight though, the old girl is no picnic. She rides a Harley, drinks like a fish, and is the most homophobic gay person I've ever met.

Gran tries her best to bring her grandson out of those books he reads and into the real world but not even her tenacity succeeds. Until Mason meets Shane!

Shane is the polar opposite of Mason. An active health freak who looks after his body, Shane is big and sexy and has Mason tongue tied fron the very beginning with his no-nos. And no! I'm not going to spoil and tell you what that is! You're gonna have to read for yourself to find out. Suffices it to say that their first encounter had me laughing my head off.

True to the note at the beginning:
Now let's see how I learned to put down my book, look around at the real world, and fall in love.
This story describes Mason's struggle to get out of his familiar boring routine and take a chance in pursuing Shane.

Peppered with funny dialogues and snarky comments, this tale will have you smiling several times over.

He'd cheated on me with the regularity of a Swiss watch (if Swiss watches were soul-sucking back alley whores.)

I decided it was time to go home and cut my tongue out with the rustiest pair of scissors I could find.

And yeah! You have got to love a guy who openly admits:
Thanks for the penis, God. I don't have the balls to be a woman.

There were a little bit too many mentions of private parts in here for my taste, but if you don't mind that, and are ok with lots of hot scenes, this will be a clear cut 5 star read for you.

Happy reading! :)

Check out this book and more of Nick Pageant here,