Book Review: Beauty

Posted on  20/08/2024 13:36:00

Beauty by Jordan Marie

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I couldn't have wished for a better ending for this hearbreaking and spellbinding story! Before you ask, NO, it wasn't perfect! But it was just right! Full of sorrow and pain, happiness and joy, and most of all… love! Just right!

This story is not pretty, but then maybe some stories aren’t meant to be pretty. That way when you get to the happily-ever-after part, you appreciate it more. You realize how truly sweet and rare it is. You realize it’s something that you will never take for granted.

Two broken people going through hell to find their way together, with vengeance and death hard up on their heels.

Our Beauty, Hayden, needs to find the strength to overcome her fears and stand up and fight for what she loves.

In real-life you don’t always get fairytales. You don’t always get the love and the happily-ever-afters. You get pain. You get tragedy. That’s what our story is—Michael’s and mine. Our story was messy, dirty, painful, and even tragic. Until it wasn’t.

And then there is our Beast! Beautiful, broken, scarred and angry Michael! He needs to let go of his past and learn to live again! Damn! A girl could really fall for Michael!!

Before Hayden came into my life I was barely alive. I was dying from the inside out. It was just a matter of time before I worked up the courage to end it all. That’s what I came to North Carolina to do, I can admit that now. But then something happened. No. Someone happened. Hayden happened. She stormed into my life in a rainstorm, riding a chainsaw and my life has never been the same since. Hayden somehow resuscitated me. Taught me how to breathe again. Until eventually, I was breathing and taking in each new day. She made me want to see the sun come up, instead of hating it. She made me want to survive another day, just to see what she gave me next. Because that is Hayden—she gives with her whole heart. First she gave me a reason, she gave me her body, she gave me love, and then slowly she gave me life. I once thought Hayden came into my life to teach me. That she was here so I could learn to breathe again. I know now that I was wrong. She is a gift that taught me to live. I learned to live again, all because of this beautiful, fiery woman, with eyes the colour of a stormy sky.

Just as it's predecessor, this sequel will wring you dry and put you through the wringer. The emotional rollecoaster doesn't slow and the pace doesn't relent. It is just as dark and perhaps a little more violent than the first. And it's a hell of ride till the very end.

I honestly can't tell how Jordan Marie manages to make you feel so sad and yet so happy at the same time, but she does it! I don't know if this is what she sets out to do will all her books as I've only read 4 of them. But I'm sure as hell going to read more to find out!

Check out this book and more by Jordan Marie on Author_JordanM

Grab a copy of the book HERE.