Book Review: Balance of Magic

Posted on  21/08/2024 12:59:55

Balance of Magic by Jeffrey L. Kohanek

My rating: 5 magic stars

Balance of Magic continues the Fate of Wizardoms saga, an epic fantasy adventure filled with magic, intrigue, schemes, and betrayal.
While Eye of Obscurance was more daring action and adventure the likes of Six of Crows, this sequel changes the note and slowly but surely turns the tale into an epic fantasy perfect for fans of Wheel of Time or Riyria Chronicles.

'Welcome to the second verse of our epic, where complexities arise and the struggle for power takes hold.'
Fan Art by The Magic Book Corner

After the death of the Wizard Lord Taladain, aided by the old bard Salvon, Jace and Rhoa are on the run, along with princess Narine and her faithful bodyguard Adyn, as well as Rawk of course, who sticks to Rhoa's side.

Jace wants payment for his fulfilled contract, while Narine tries to escape her brother's vengeful wrath and, since both their paths lead the same way, of course they go together.
At this point in their adventure, each and every one of them prefers obscurity and a small respite from trouble. But trouble has a way of finding them regardless. Especially since they find themselves smack down in the middle of a struggle for power and a full out war.

War wages in Ghealdor with the cities' prayers as the prize. The wizard Malvorian had discovered a means to claim the Towers of Devotion from another wizardom and now he wants to master them all.
And it all began with the Eye of Obscurance.

Fan Art by The Magic Book Corner

An amulet enchanted by a magic that renders even a wizard lord powerless. With this magical item Lord Taladain had been murdered and his death had upset the balance of magic as a whole.

You see, as Salvon explained:
'The world is run by wizard lords, each with the power of a god. There are only eight wizardoms so eight men of such power. Their magic greatly outstrips ordinary wizards, of which there are not so many.' 

With a vacant throne the balance is upset, but with a wizard lord holding the power of two thrones, or even two thrones empty at the same time, the balance could be altered and magic shifted into another direction. Which direction and to what purpose, how many empty thrones and why? - That remains for you to find out while reading this series. You won't get all the answers here, within this installment. But I promise you it will be one hell of a ride.

This second book in series lays out the cards, broadens the game board and properly sets the base for a solid and intricate edge of the seat epic fantasy adventure.

With plots within plots and reveals that you just don't see coming, this tale will keep you on your toes up to the very end. The characters grow and develop and if you liked them in book 1, you're gonna love them now.

Away from the restrictions of royalty Narine comes into her own with the help of Jace and Adyn. After having spent her life trying to be who others thought she should become, Narine is finally challenged to 'Stop trying to be the girl you believe people expect' and 'be the woman you wish to be.' Not such an easy thing to do, especially when she has a whole wizardom to think of too.

Jace begins to care for others too and is now met with a fear he had never before considered. A fear for the safety of others. Well, a certain one to be more exact. But will he be able to act on it after a thief's life of self-preservation and selfishness? His development is one to watch for.

Rhoa doesn't get a lot of stage this time around and I hope to get more of her in future books. Adyn on the other hand is a treasure. I liked her in book 1 but downright adore her here. Her puns and constant fun banter with or at the expense of Jace were one of the highlights of this tale for me.

Jace scrambled away and rose to his feet warily. "That would have hurt."
"Which one?"She grinned. "The kick in the head or the heel in the crotch?"

You have got to love Adyn.
Fan Art by The Magic Book Corner

And then we have Rawk. Gentle, steadfast and loyal, the best friend you could wish for. And yet so heartrendingly broken!! I swear I wanted to reach within the pages and give him a big hug!!

"I..." Am twisted. Disgusting. Corrupted.
'... who would want to be friends with Rawkobon the bald, Rawkobon the hairless, Rawkobon the freak?'

I sure as hell would!!!

All compelling and beautifully fleshed out characters, with two more joining the cast. Brogan and Blyte. And they are both pretty awesome too. Especially him! :)
"We all end up dead Brogan."
He stopped and grinned. "Yes, but given the choice, I would prefer to go out in style."

Heartbreaking at times and uplifting at others, this riveting tale has all the marks of a fabulous read.
Beautifully fleshed out characters, imaginative magic and unique occurrences, thumping adventure, fabulous character bonding, humor and even a budding romance!

I loved the take on magic, as well as the conundrum it raises.
'Perhaps men lose their humanity, squeezed by human suffering on one side and the lure of unlimited unchallenged power on the other.'

The intricacies of the plot were top notch and that reveal at the end - talk about a solid punch you didn't see coming. There were a few clues, mind you, dropped along the way and yet... Holy frigging shirt! That was one HUGE twist!

And then there is that attention to detail and masterful intricacy that this author pulls like a charm. From word-building to pace, from darkness to light, everything is beautifully balanced. The tension is masterfully softened whenever it becomes too much, with a bit of light banter or chuckle worthy moments.
I for one couldn't really keep a straight face when a poor captain spun on his heel and rolled his eyes looking up at the ceiling and muttering in despair: "Why, Gheald? Why must I be surrounded by idiots?"

Bottom-line, cause I already held you too long... :D
Wizardoms Balance of Magic is a FABULOUS epic fantasy that I highly recommend to all fantasy adventure lovers out there.

Give it a try people! And who knows? You may end up loving it just as much as I did.

Check out this book and more of Jeffrey L. Kohanek over at