Book Review: A Bond of Thread

Posted on  28/06/2021 18:56:08

A Bond of Thread by Pescatore Allegra, Burnison J.P.

My rating: 5 badass awesome stars

If The Black Jewels and Mortal Instruments had a baby born in Faerie this is how it would read like.

Enter the Nine Lands of the Mountain Fell where Fae warriors may find themselves soulbonded against their will to High Queens of the Fae and where Feral Fae threaten to devour anything and anyone in their path.

It is here that Ilyas a hunted warrior, wanted for breaking a bond and killing the last High Queen of Vine has found a somewhat private cave to hide from Fae and fate alike. Plagued by his past of wholesale slaughter, he's determined to do the best with the rest of his life. 'He was trying to do less killing' and fairly managed at that too, until a certain nosy mouse started stealing from his cave.
Get rid of the mouse and back to the peace and quiet. That's all Ilyas wanted to do. Unfortunately however, fate or the mountain had other plans and our grumpy warrior unexpectedly found himself saddled with yet another bond to another queen. One perhaps just as mad as Maevian, just in an entirely different way.

Skye has only ever known pain and solitude since waking up with neither memories or magic. Hunted for being a Ruler in a time when they were scarce, she had survived in the wilds near the Rim, always on the run from the rest of her kind. A Soulbond was the last thing she desired and exactly what she got when caught pilfering the Vine warrior's stores. A soulbond with 'Mr.Stick-up-his-butt' who seemed to utterly hate her despite or perhaps because he was forced to become her Heart.

A chance encounter in between two broken souls and a Soulbond both resent mark the beginning of their tale. Part ways ignoring the bond would be the best for them both. And that's what they may have done, had it not been for the pack of Feral Fae seemingly hell bent on making a meal out of a full village. Neither queen nor warrior can allow that to happen, especially after ending up trapped together in a cave with a pack of Feral Fae right outside.

With long-held enmities breaking out between the besieged villagers and all their lives on the line, Ilyas and Skye must learn to work together and trust each other if they want to survive.
Hiding is no longer an option, Soulbond or not.

A fascinating world and wonderful magic, intriguing creatures and downright adorable little fae, as well as deliciously creepy ferals, these authors deliver on all counts. But character development and feeling is where they truly shine. As well as those little nuggets of wisdom delivered between the lines and the themes embedded throughout the read. Wonderfully done.

'Bad luck is like a storm; it is in how you choose to face it that determines if it breaks you.'

The soulbond reminds me of that between a warlord prince and his Queen in Anne Bishop's The Black Jewels Trilogy while the fights with the Feral Fae bring to mind those with the demons from The Mortal Instruments series. And I loved them both.

Ilyas himself is a kind of Lucivar Yaslana with his kill first ask questions latter gruffy grumbling attitude.

'Lord Heart is good at stabbing things. Even the fair folk know this.'

Lucivar is one of my all-time favourites and yet, if I were to choose between him and Ilyas ....
'Lucivar baby, I'll always love you!!! But I'll pick Ilyas any day!!'

A grouchy anti-social, emotionally distant Bonded and a ruler without magic or training or a people. Both in over their heads and driving each other crazy, while slowly getting to know each other and falling in love. Theirs is a relationship where resentment and fear slowly and gently turn into respect and admiration, affection and love. A very slow burn that will have any romance fan sigh.

And their dynamic... Irresistible!! I absolutely loved that!

As far as Skye is concerned, crazy is kind of her style. She excels at alienating the high fae and driving Ilyas nuts. Why you ask?
'Unfortunately - or perhaps fortunately - being a brave idiot was something Skye excelled at. When it came to the lives of others on the line, Skye's logic was thrown out of the cave to be eaten by the Ferals.' And Ilyas had his hands more than full trying to keep her out of trouble.

She is hope to his despair and light to his darkness. She's a ruler worth being Soulbonded to.
Despite her bossy attitude, yelling and foul mouth.
'Take the wise lectures and shove them up your ass.'
'That does not sound comfortable Lady.'

All in all, because I already held you too long, A Bond of Thread is a wonderful tale that will appeal to any high fantasy fan out there, especially those who love Anne Bishop. It's fun and snarky, dark and full of feeling. Highly entertaining and beautifully layered, this is a tale of fear and prejudice, acceptance and understanding, healing and love.

My only complaint - where is book 2 because I want it RIGHT NOW!! Especially after that end.

Check out this book and more of Allegra Pescatore and J.P. Burnison here and over at