Book Review: Legend of the Sky Sword

Posted on  06/04/2021 19:51:55

Legend of the Sky Sword by Kohanek, Jeffrey L.

My rating: 5 epic stars

If The Wheel of Time and Six of Crows had a baby with a touch of The Riftwar Saga's fast moving action and Mistborn flair...
this is how it would read!

Legend of the Sky Sword is the second instalment of the Fall of Wizardoms series picking up right after the events of book 1. And it is even better than book 1.

With the Order of Sol taken over by dark elves who are plotting to rule the world, events are set in motion that threaten not only the Wizardoms and humanity as a whole, but also the fate of all magical beings.

The world is changing, the tides are turning and darkness and chaos are threatening the land. Toppled thrones send two wizardoms into chaos and the ambitious strive to claim power while new gods rise to replace the old.
The newborn princess of Pallanar is abducted, triggering a desperate search led by her wizard father, who will do anything to get his daughter back.
The magical races of old seem to be loosing their magic, as well as their ability to bear children.

And what's more?
The Seers, blind to prophecy for the very first time, have left their home in search for answers. But when those are found, the nightmarish vision bringing them shocks everyone.

A darkness comes. Should it claim the elves, it will advance until it consumes the southern wizardoms.
The only hope lies in finding the Caelum Edge, the only weapon able to defeat the darkness.

A terrifying prophecy. A royal abduction. And the desperate search for a legendary blade. This is how our tale begins.
With a small band of misfits facing impossible odds smack down in the middle of it all, of course.

Brogan and Blythe go with King Kollin of Pallenor in search for his newborn daughter, while Jace, Narine, Crusser and Harlequin, accompanied by the dwarf Loggadon set off to find the Caelum Edge, according to the prophecy of the Seers.
Both daunting tasks full of perils that our heroes will have to brave.

The Caelum Edge, or 'the kale thingy' as far as Jace is concerned, is a sword of course. Not just any sword, according to Loggadon, but the greatest sword of all time. And finding it may not be the only problem our heroes will face. Cast from the core of a fallen star, it is known to have taken the lives of all those who tried to wield it.

This time around the tasks may be a bit too difficult for our motley group of misfits to brave. Especially since they've already started to feel as if they were 'the harbingers of doom.' Each place they visit they come bearing news that breaks hearts and destroys belief.

"We all come into this world alone and are bound to die in the same manner. What happens in between defines who we are, not whether we do it with someone at our side."
"You forget the ride Cruss. Those at our side make it more rewarding."

The Fall of Wizardoms series is epic fantasy at it's best. And I'm not saying this lightly.

It's epic, vivid and jam-packed with action full of unpredictable twists. The wordbuilding is excellent, the pace tight and steadily rising, the tone wonderfully balanced and the characters as great as they can be.
I love Crusser and Harlequin just as much as Jace and Narine, with Brogan and Blythe not far behind. Each and every one of them with their special style and charm.

Magic and danger, friendship and betrayal, topped with a solid dose of humour and witty banter, as well as a cast of fully fleshed wonderful characters to absolutely root for. This book has it all!
Wild edge-of-the-seat adventure and twists that you will NOT see coming will have you biting your nails at times, while the fabulous character dynamic will make you chuckle even when the odds are despairing.

All in all, The Fall of Wizardoms series is a damn fine fantasy I count among my all-time favourites. And I highly recommend it to all fantasy fans out there.

ARC received from the author in exchange for an honest review.

Official release date: March 30th 2021 by Fallbrandt Press

You can pre-order the book from: Amazon Amazon

The quotes in this review were taken from an ARC and are subject to change upon publication.

P.S. - Do be careful not to read certain chapters while drinking your coffee. Especially a certain one involving The Charlatan of Ages, his lady love and a hammock. Or you might end up like me - almost spewing the coffee all over the kindle with a burst of laughter.

Check out this book and more of Jeffrey L. Kohanek over at